[p2pu-webcraft] New: Arduino - Build and Hack the Planet

Alison Cole alison at p2pu.org
Tue Nov 29 19:03:20 UTC 2011

Agree with Philipp.

Nick, I know you've run a few courses/groups before. Have you checked out
the challenge model yet? It might be perfect for this topic. I bet you
could even get some co-organizers from MAKE magazine. They're obsessed with


On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 2:53 AM, Chloe Varelidi <chloe at varelidi.com> wrote:

> Hey Nicholas,
> super idea! we <3 arduino
> As a starting point you might want to look at the Arduino community for
> some good tutorials. There are some good tutorials on their learning page
> http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/HomePage and I also like the creative
> applications page for arduino
> http://www.creativeapplications.net/tag/arduino/ & then
> http://www.adafruit.com/tutorials & then
> http://www.eyebeam.org/events/beyond-the-joystick-introduction-to-alternative-physical-interfaces
> In general my suggestion if you go along with this to frame it more like "
> we will make this and that using arduino" rather than " let's learn how to
> use arduino and here are some tutorials". From experience creating smaller
> themed challenges that have a context and a clear goal makes it easier for
> non-tech people to get engaged with the often hard process of putting
> together physical computing interfaces.
> cheers,
> Chloe
> On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 2:03 PM, John Britton <john at p2pu.org> wrote:
>> Hey Nicholas,
>> This sounds great. Let me know if you need any help. I think I can help
>> you get people to sign up once you're ready.
>> Cheers,
>> John Britton
>> --
>> contact info:
>> http://www.johndbritton.com
>> @johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton
>> On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 6:53 AM, Nicholas Doiron <ndoiron at andrew.cmu.edu>wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'd like to propose a P2PU course that's a bit more concrete.  In
>>> "Arduino: Build and Hack the Planet", you learn how to use a small open
>>> source hardware board to build electronics projects in the real world.
>>> Even if you don't have an Arduino, I have tested a video + data stream
>>> for
>>> people to try out their programs over the internet and watch the results
>>> on sample hardware.
>>> PC World: What is Arduino?
>>> http://www.pcworld.com/article/239454/geek_101_what_is_arduino.html
>>> Course Page and Photo
>>> http://p2pu.org/en/groups/arduino-build-and-hack-the-planet/
>>> I don't suppose it falls within Webcraft, since we're using actual wires
>>> and LEDs, but I wanted to post the announcement here first.  Let me know
>>> if you already have an Arduino and can share a project or two!
>>> Regards,
>>> Nick Doiron
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> --
> Chloe Varelidi
> http://varelidi.com/
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