[p2pu-webcraft] Feedback for text about badges that goes in the front page of SoW

Chloe Varelidi chloe at varelidi.com
Mon Dec 5 15:51:55 UTC 2011

thank you pippa!

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 7:24 PM, Pippa Buchanan <Pippa.Buchanan at gmail.com>wrote:

> Erin / Chloe - I've got a quick question that I've not been able to find
> an answer for on the Badges FAQ - Will there be a simple, automatic way for
> Open Badges users to link to their badges in print CVs? eg a
> short/humanreadable URL to both the backpack and to their individual
> badges? (eg. Pippa's backpack http://badg.es/PippaBuchanan1979  and
> Beginner's Austrian Dialect
> http://badg.es/PippaBuchanan1979/Oesterreichish  )
> While many job applications and processes are online - there are still a
> lot of industries which are more about face 2 face meetings, people might
> want to share their backpack in printed CVs etc.
> adding @Carla to the loop who might have an answer to this

> Pippa
> On 30 November 2011 21:17, Janet Swisher <jswisher at mozilla.com> wrote:
>>  I wouldn't want to imply that "a SoW JavaScript badge means that
>> *Mozilla says* I know JavaScript". It's a more subtle message "a SoW
>> JavaScript badge means that my peers say I know JavaScript, and Mozilla
>> says that matters".
>> --Janet
>> On 11/30/11 1:31 PM, Erin Knight wrote:
>> There are actually two separate things at play here. 1) There is the
>> Mozilla Open Badge Infrastructure that these badges get pushed into. In
>> this case P2PU is simply an issuer in the ecosystem. But 2) SoW is a
>> partnership between Mozilla and P2PU so the SoW skill badges are in fact
>> backed by Mozilla - they even carry Mozilla branding. Mozilla reviews the
>> assessments/challenges and in that sense 'backs' them.
>>  On the certification authority front - there are no formal
>> certification authorities for badges yet so it may be that there are more
>> informal certification authority relationships like this. Or or may turn
>> out that the endorsement functionality serves this function as well - we'll
>> have to see.
>>  -E
>> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 12:52 PM, Janet Swisher <jswisher at mozilla.com>wrote:
>>>  I agree with Dan that putting together "certification" and "backed by
>>> Mozilla" is misleading. I suggest something like this:
>>> Earn Merit Badges
>>> Show off your web and community skills to friends, teachers, and
>>> potential employers through School of Webcraft merit badges. Merit badges
>>> show that your peers have assessed your work as meeting specific quality
>>> criteria. These badges are issued by School of Webcraft using the Open
>>> Badges framework, which is supported by Mozilla, the global non-profit
>>> dedicated to shaping the future of the Web for the public good, and to
>>> helping everyone become a Web maker. Badges are easy to display on your
>>> personal website, online profiles, and CV or resumé.
>>> On 11/30/11 6:32 AM, Chloe Varelidi wrote:
>>> ok, i see what you are saying. let me know if you have a suggestion for
>>> an improved text
>>> thanks,
>>> Chloe
>>> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 1:08 PM, Dan Diebolt <dandiebolt at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> The implication of the narrative is that Mozilla is acting as some type
>>>> of certification authority which is simply not true. The document I
>>>> referenced has definitions for various stakeholders/roles (User, Issuer,
>>>> Displayer, Signer, Endorser) none of which equate to the implication that
>>>> Mozilla is a certification authority.
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Chloe Varelidi
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