[p2pu-webcraft] School of Webcraft Standup (17082011)

Philipp Schmidt philipp at p2pu.org
Wed Aug 17 17:12:53 UTC 2011

hey jessica:

in the interview with stefanie it says that p2pu has grown to about
1000 members. we are more people, roughly 21000 registered users. the
number of active users / mth has fluctuated a lot (based on the course
cycle model) but we had more than 2000 active users on the new site
during the month of migration.


On 17 August 2011 13:02, Jessica Ledbetter <jessica at jessicaledbetter.com> wrote:
> @Pippa: Congratulations on your and Erin's interview! Interesting about the
> graphic. I did notice it changed but totally missed the little icon. Good
> eye :)
> @All:
> 1. Working on:
> Participant in Django course [1]. Enjoying that. Also, started making the
> same project using Playdoh [2] cause I hear good things.
> Organizer in Introduction to Contributing to Lernanta [3]. It's been really
> quiet this week. Still wondering if maybe I should close that instance and
> fork a new one so that it doesn't look like we're not active. Also, maybe
> it'd let me fix that typo in the slug. * cough *
> As coder-type, I'm working on a few things for Milestone 1.3 [4]
> 2. Next:
> Get in contact with hemanth about the API group's [5] status.
> Post about what I've been doing in the Django class. Did a few PR type
> things already and can do a few more for sure :)
> Experiment with the new embedability with a few ideas I have had for months.
> 3. Community help desired:
> Opinion: Should I close the original Lernanta course and fork a new one that
> runs in September? (It's about a month long.)
> 4. Cool demos:
> Can't think of some for this week, but do have some PR-type stuff.
> Stefanie Panke interviewed me for the ETC Journal [5]
> I also finally did a blog post [6] about my experiences at P2PU which got
> some traffic.
> [1] https://github.com/jledbetter/cookbook
> [2] https://github.com/jledbetter/cookdoh
> [3] http://p2pu.org/en/groups/introduction-to-contributing-to-lernata
> [4]
> http://p2pu.lighthouseapp.com/projects/71002-lernanta/tickets/bins/305815
> [5] http://p2pu.org/en/groups/paws-on-web-apis/
> [6]
> http://etcjournal.com/2011/08/11/open-learning-at-p2pu-an-interview-with-jessica-ledbetter/
> [7] http://www.jessicaledbetter.com/learning-from-your-peers/
> --
> Jessica Ledbetter
> http://jessicaledbetter.com
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