[p2pu-webcraft] Web Challenge Task ideas - Create a Choose Your Own Adventure story

Pippa Buchanan Pippa.Buchanan at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 11:27:13 UTC 2011

Thanks Jamie, totally, all work that learners do should ideally be reusable
in some way at a higher level.

I like the idea of the Ajax style interface as you could actually have the
story unfold before your eyes as you track the story decisions you've made.

Maybe a prewritten story line could be about choosing between different
technologies and trying to get a website delivered in time?

*You have 20 minutes before the deadline to make the site live. Do you:*
*- Retest the site in different browsers?*
*- Crack open a beer with your colleagues.*

On 11 August 2011 10:43, Jamie Curle <jamie.curle at jamiecurle.com> wrote:

> Could it be the next level up goal (or possibly a few more ) for someone to
> take the concept of the game, but move it from a static based "writing lots
> of html and css" to developing it as a Django app (I'm a little biased
> here..), or whatever language, framework floats their boat...
> If someone didn't want to go all backend with this, they could perform the
> task in a more frontend manner using JavaScript to load the pages in via
> Ajax.
> I think there's lots of ways to take the initial outcome ( the story, html
> and css) and to build upwards from that depending on what the learner wants
> to do.
> Cheers,
> Jamie,
> On 11 Aug 2011, at 09:24, Pippa Buchanan wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I'm working on a sample task for the Web Challenges - learners are asked to
> create a web based Choose Your Own Adventure / gamebook story.
> http://pad.p2pu.org/SoWChallengeCYOA
> At the same time as writing up the task description I'm testing it out by
> attempting my own CYOA gamebook about the first day back at school. The two
> endings I'm working on are the character's mother turning up and embarassing
> them at school by bringing their lunch into the classroom, or they find a
> new laptop in their backpack and their Mum is seen as a hero. Maybe dragons
> would have been easier to write about?
> http://battlecat.net/sandbox/cyoa/
> It's actually a really challenging task, because not only are you having to
> make basic web pages, you're also trying to write a gamebook.
> *SEED Stories*
> It would be great if we could "seed" the task with some text files of
> sample CYOA that participants can hack and change to complete the task. We
> can also ask participants to share their original stories under an open
> license so other students can use them.
> Is anyone interested in sharing a CYOA gamebook story for others to use as
> the base of their tasks?
> *Task Alternatives*
> It would be great if where possible, we could offer learners a choice
> between versions of tasks that are either wacky or more serious, but which
> work towards the same goals. The goals of this task are to create multiple
> hyperlinked pages with a shared css file, and to produce a sitemap that
> documents the pages you've created.
> Can you think of an alternative task goal that also works towards
> hyperlinked pages and a sitemap, but that would appeal to a different
> audience?
> I'd love to hear what you all reckon,
> Pippa
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