[p2pu-webcraft] GSoC Doc Summit

Pippa Buchanan Pippa.Buchanan at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 11:32:09 UTC 2011

Hi everyone,

I'm writing up a proposal for this summer of code book sprint. While we
could write a specialist resource,  I think that there's a really strong
need for a beginners' front end web development resource.  If we can
demonstrate that this textbook development process works, ideally we'd be
able to expand it to other topics.

If anyone would like to be involved, please let me know.

Kamon, are you interested in being added to the list of potential

If anyone wishes to propose another book topic that would have benefits for
School of Webcraft participants, please let me know and I'll see if I can



(Note, I'm making this proposal from the context of a Webcraft community
member as I'll be informally involved with the project after August).

On 2 August 2011 12:38, Kamon Ayeva <kamon.ayeva at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> This is awesome and I think much needed.
> In the past I've used technical writing as a way to learn myself / improve
> skills (with Plone CMS, Zope and other Python things).
> I am interested these days by topics such as Python Web frameworks / NoSQL
> (for example Django on NoSQL, see
> http://www.allbuttonspressed.com/projects/django-nonrel) and also trying
> to develop skills in everything DevOps related (git, Fabric, Jenkins, etc).
> So if there is similar interest, it might be a good idea to propose
> something as a group.
> -- Kamon
> On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 11:35 AM, Pippa Buchanan <Pippa.Buchanan at gmail.com>wrote:
>> I highly encourage anyone interested in technical writing and School of
>> Webcraft to get involved with these Doc Sprints. Adam is an excellent
>> facilitator and the book sprint model is a revolutionary way of making
>> quality documentation fast.
>> Pippa
>> On 2 August 2011 11:26, adam <adam at flossmanuals.net> wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> This is tangentially connected so I will keep it short...
>>> If there is a anyone interested in writing documentation about free
>>> software then please consider applying to this:
>>> https://sites.google.com/site/**docsprintsummit/<https://sites.google.com/site/docsprintsummit/>
>>> You can apply as an individual or a group.  Applications close Friday
>>> (5th), application process takes about 2-5 mins :)
>>> It might be a *great* way (for example) to generate a 'textbook' for a
>>> P2P course...
>>> adam
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