[p2pu-webcraft] How can we best use HTML5 video (Universal Subtitles, Popcorn etc) for awesome Webcraft content?

Pippa Buchanan Pippa.Buchanan at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 17:27:30 UTC 2011

I agree that slide casts are also a valuable tool and we should encourage
their use.

There is something very useful about screencasts - but yep - they are a pain
to create. Isn't there's overlap with a discussion on the dev list about a
how-to around screencasting?

@Jessica - i think that many of the feartures being developed for Popcorn.js
would really support use-case #2.
I also agree that #1 is very important to remember and we need to remind
organisers that not all people can / want to watch video.


On 29 April 2011 19:18, Dan Diebolt <dandiebolt at gmail.com> wrote:

> Slidecasting is a practical lower bandwidth alternative to video:
> http://www.slideshare.net/jboutelle/slidecasting-101
>  <http://www.slideshare.net/jboutelle/slidecasting-101>Zipcast is another
> approach for collaborating while focusing attention on a presentation:
> http://www.slideshare.net/rashmi/introducing-zipcast
> If the video is just a headshot of the speaker and occasional pans to the
> projection screen there isn't much point to using video to just consume
> bandwidth.
> <http://www.slideshare.net/rashmi/introducing-zipcast>
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