[p2pu-webcraft] Interactive Open Video with Popcorn.js

Dan Diebolt dandiebolt at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 21:24:37 UTC 2011

There are several hundred jsFiddles available from the jQuery course and on
the embed course. All the Google Chart jQuery examples produced png images
as their primary output. The examples in the embed course cover a much wider
territory from Dr. Alphonse Mephisto's Gengram of Ecoli to SVGGirl's
superlative SVG anime animation using jsdo.it (the Japanese version of

I remain very confused (I have just been experimenting) over where any of
this content could appropriately land as there are layout obstacles and and
access annoyances of one sort or another in every location www.p2pu.org,
new.p2pu.org, wiki.p2pu etc.
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