[p2pu-dev] Tech call notes 2013-05-16
Jos Flores
josmasflores at gmail.com
Thu May 16 17:01:15 UTC 2013
Hey guys, great stuff as usual!
I'm specially interested in the last two points (in the process
section); although, pedantically speaking, I don't think anyone can
'build' a community, those two points are pretty much what I've been
thinking about (as a very low priority background thread in my brain)
for the last number of months. It would be cool to hangout and share
some thoughts. You guys up for it?
On 16 May 2013 12:47, Dirk Uys <dirk at p2pu.org> wrote:
> Parking Lot:
> Hosting updates (Linode upgrade, MOOC hosting, heroku, AWS...)
> Progress
> Mechanical MOOC
> swapped in ckeditor for the WYSIHTML5 rich text editor we were using before
> email scheduler finished (you can now create an email and specify a date
> when it will get sent)
> also supports group emails (sent to the indivdiual groups) and community
> emails (to everyone)
> we now support running courses multiple times (sequences)
> emails and groups can be assigned to a particular sequence (=round) of a
> course
> setting up a new round, requires some shell magic
> imported the sign-up data from ruby MOOC
> Defines goals / planning for 3rd phase of badges (rolled out as they get
> completed)
> See details under priorities below...
> Priorities
> Mechanical MOOC
> set up regular backups for data to amazon S3
> handle unsubscribes (currently, users are in stored in two databases -
> mailgun, and heroku - need to sync)
> Badges
> [2 weeks] Allow partners to issue/ endorse badges (restrict who can issue
> the badge)
> The 2-step autorization for partner Badges
> We set out to be implemented until June 1st
> Dirk gave Erika task to make an wireframe to present to partners on how will
> we implwmwnt this
> [1 week] Integrate badges more closely with courses
> for a start this will be a IFrame that you can embed in a course (or
> anywhere else)
> [1-2 days] Add elemet to the top level navigation where you can see all the
> badges
> Some bug crushing tasks (Badge not yet awarded but project already published
> as a project which got the Badge, ...)
> Question: What is the benefits of converting id to uri and back trough out
> the system?
> not much within a system, but very usefull
> Setting up the integration servers on AWS for testing purposes
> Hosting
> DU to cancel stats.p2pu.org
> AWS API - PS and DU to go throught this next week
> Problems
> Running courses multiple times on p2pu.org
> We don't currently support "cloning" courses
> A few courses are running for the second time, and it's not clear to
> organizers what the best strategy is
> Easiest solution (right now) -> Create a new course, and copy&paste content
> DU to make sure this is one of the topics on our list of feature requests
> Process
> Keep better notes on the call so that we understand what we discussed
> afterwards
> We tried! Is it working?
> Talk about how do we build the community who would help us build the tools
> Erika wants some advice on how to attract developers to contribute to
> badges (or/and lernanta, mechanical mooc,...) as an open source projects
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