[p2pu-dev] [p2pu-community] Introducing Marvin

Jessy Kate Schingler jessy at jessykate.com
Wed Jun 19 02:12:28 UTC 2013

cool, thanks!

On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 3:37 PM, John Britton <john at p2pu.org> wrote:

> @Jessy - Chef & Puppet are targeted more towards managing a fleet of
> servers, with many boxes in each of a number of different roles. Ansible is
> simpler and is targeted to single machines or at least to much smaller
> numbers.
> --
> contact info:
> http://www.johndbritton.com
> @johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton
> On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 12:14 AM, Timothy Gaudette <tgaudette88 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Very cool. I particularly like the inspiration for the name.
>> -Tim on the Go
>> On Jun 18, 2013 12:39 PM, "Dirk Uys" <dirk at p2pu.org> wrote:
>>> Posted at http://info.p2pu.org/2013/06/18/introducing-marvin/
>>> [image: Image CC-BY-SA John Greenaway]<http://info.p2pu.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/3356358479_a0e3ee8a05_b.jpg>
>>> Image CC-BY-SA John Greenaway<http://www.flickr.com/photos/johngreenaway/>
>>> At the start of the year we spent some time on behind the scenes work.
>>> We had a long overdue software upgrade that we needed to perform on our
>>> main server. At the same time we took the opportunity to improve how we
>>> maintain the systems to run the tools we use for P2PU.
>>> Maintaining a server requires a lot of work. Someone needs to know what
>>> software is required, then install and update the software in questions,
>>> edit configuration files, remember what services to stop and start again,
>>> pick good passwords and remember them, etc!
>>> Instead of having someone slaving away at a command line and trying
>>> remember what to do each time, we decided to automate the process. It is
>>> almost like writing down a recipe and handing it to a robotic cook with all
>>> the ingredients!
>>> We named our robotic cook Marvin, after Marvin the Paranoid Android<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_the_Paranoid_Android>from the “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy”. Almost everything that is
>>> needed to get P2PU up and running can be found in this github repository<https://github.com/p2pu/marvin/>
>>> .
>>> You may stop reading at this point if you wish to skip the technical
>>> details and incomprehensible abbreviations [image: :)]
>>> We chose to use Ansible <http://www.ansibleworks.com/> to implement
>>> Marvin. Ansible uses YAML configuration files called playbooks to describe
>>> the tasks needed to setup and configure a server. These tasks are then
>>> executed over SSH on the remote host. The advantage of this is that it’s
>>> easy to bootstrap a system – you just need to know what operating system
>>> you are targeting and setup SSH access.
>>> The Marvin repository contains the playbooks to setup lernanta<https://github.com/p2pu/lernanta>running at
>>> p2pu.org, badges <https://github.com/p2pu/badges> running at
>>> badges.p2pu.org and Etherpad Lite<https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite>running at
>>> pad.p2pu.org.
>>> There is still potential to improve and better organize these playbooks.
>>> If you would like to give them a test drive, you can install Ansible, setup
>>> a virtual machine and run the playbooks! See the repository<https://github.com/p2pu/marvin/>for more instructions.
>>>  --
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Jessy Kate Schingler

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