[p2pu-dev] Tech call notes 2013-04-25

Dirk Uys dirk at p2pu.org
Thu Apr 25 17:22:52 UTC 2013


   - badges OBI-integration prepared for production - needs testing

   - need some help with the testing (how do we test this? also ask others
   during community call) I did last week, got no feedback :(

   - please for rapid feedback

   - http://dev.p2pu.org:8199/oauth/become/ +your name

   - create badge

   - in dashboard under earned try to push badge to backpack

   - Mechanical MOOC signup

   - Made a few small changes which will hopefully fix the lost sign-ups

   - final push via normal HTTP post

   - delay sending of welcome email

   - Not easy to test, but tried it for ~1000 sign-ups

   - Update of copy to inform user they will receive conformation email


   - Get ready for 2 May MechMooc launch

   - Update copy

   - Push out Course notifications to production

   - Lernanta Translations - discussed next steps with Erika

   - Test and complete OBI integration?

   - Just testing, after that I need few minutes to push to production

   - There is need to integrate badges with lernanta and iframe script

   - this is needed in order badges to be useful

   - DU to send instructions on Discourse to CE (Chris to set it up on


   - Mailgun API

   - Email scheduler working? Yes (confusion between AM & PM scheduling)

   - is it possible to prevent scheduling in the past all together?

   - Google groups tech at p2pu.org, support at p2pu.org, etc

   - schoolofopen at p2pu.org had trouble, only users who were members could

   - are we using these? Do they all allow posts from non members?

   - Discourse?

   - did this drop of our radar? No!

   - there is a demo version at http://lcl.p2pu.org

   - Sayamindu set it up

   - for use that with the Media lab course for now (not P2PU community)

   - running on EC2

   - very keen to get a version for P2PU as well

   - DU will frame in an email and send to Chris


   - Plan to upgrade production server (when Dirk is back)

   - Communication around Music MOOC - Update to the community on community

   - Chris is available for tech work on Monday

Non Tech Call

   - Music MOOC (-> present to community) / connect with Eric / Peter
   Gabriel(the sledgehammer)?
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