[p2pu-dev] [torchmail] Week of 24-28 Sept

Dirk Uys dirk at p2pu.org
Tue Sep 25 08:13:38 UTC 2012

Hi everyone

To start off with, some success from last week. We moved
archive.p2pu.orgto dreamhost! This allows us to make changes to the
way we host
p2pu.org without affecting or having to consider archive.p2pu.org. A
special thanks goes out to Charles Tanton from Park Road Web Development (
parkroad.co.za) who did the move for us!!

This week I'm working on getting the new unified course interface (and
backend) ready for a first round of community input. If all goes well,
there will be something to play with before Thursday this week!

I'm also planning on visiting House4Hack (http://www.house4hack.co.za/) on
Thursday (the 27th). They're a hacker space here in Pretoria, South Africa!
Apart from satisfying my own curiosity, I also want to talk to them about
some courses that they run from time to time and figure out if there is a
way for us to do work together.

I'll also try to attend to all of the stuff that I have in my backlog :)

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