[p2pu-dev] Login requirement to post to challenges

Dirk Uys dirk at p2pu.org
Tue Sep 18 12:55:21 UTC 2012

Hi Jane

I haven't really thought about anonymous comments before.

Currently user accounts doesn't require you to confirm your email address,
so theoretically you can create an account with a pseudo username and email.

I think there are other issues we need to consider. Maybe raise the issue
with the community and hear what other people think?


On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 12:40 AM, Jane Park <janepark at p2pu.org> wrote:

> More importantly, when you click "Start Challenge" it takes you directly
> to a login and/or register screen. I think this is the issue the CC
> community might have with linking to P2PU challenges.
> On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Jane Park <janepark at p2pu.org> wrote:
>> Hey Dirk,
>> We were looking at the CC site and thinking of the best places to link to
>> CC related challenges/courses on the School of Open, such as "Get CC
>> Savvy." Someone brought up the fact that a login is required to participate
>> in the challenge, and that he feels uncomfortable about linking to anything
>> that requires a login to learn about CC from the CC website (as you can
>> imagine) -- and I said I'd ping you to see if the login is something that
>> is set in stone, eg. was it ever a consideration to allow
>> comments/discussion via recaptcha?
>> Of course, all the content is readable without a login, but thought I'd
>> bring it up in the spirit of open communities... and since we're called the
>> School of Open. eg. Wikipedia still allows edits but logs your IP address,
>> etc.
>> Cheers,
>> Jane
>> --
>> School of Open
>> http://schoolofopen.org
>> Latest news: http://info.p2pu.org/tag/school-of-open
> --
> School of Open
> http://schoolofopen.org
> Latest news: http://info.p2pu.org/tag/school-of-open
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