[p2pu-dev] [p2pu-community] Notes from This Week's Community Call

Alison Cole alison at p2pu.org
Mon Sep 3 17:19:17 UTC 2012

Wish I could be there. Have to sling lattes on THU mornings these days. I
will catch up on the notes though!

On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 10:16 AM, Vanessa Gennarelli <vanessa at p2pu.org>wrote:

> +1 Allison. In fact, I'll be suggesting as much in the course creation
> research & design this week on the community call.
> On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 1:04 PM, Alison Cole <alison at p2pu.org> wrote:
>>>    - How does the course review process work? Is there a how-to / guide
>>>    somewhere?
>>>    - People need more guidance about using the technology within the
>>>    system - like how to place a YouTube embed so that it doesn't look weird,
>>>    and how to use graphics to unify the theme of their course, we've talked
>>>    about personal branding, and it can be really simple, but people don't know
>>>    about them.
>>>    - PA -> I think it might be useful to help people know how to get in
>>>    contact with other people. And also it's important to let people know that
>>>    it's okay to open it up before it's "done" (if a course is ever really
>>>    "done")
>>>    - BK/VMG to build basic course review rubrik
>>> This is far out, but I'd love it if course design advice were embedded
>> into the design process and examples of great courses were little pop ups
>> (new windows) I could explore. When I'm done designing my course gets sent
>> to the community for review, however, I have the power to run it without
>> waiting for feedback. Review shouldn't be too rubrik-ized. I think this
>> time could be better spent on embedding help where it's needed.
>> A
>> On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 9:18 AM, Rebecca Kahn <bekka at p2pu.org> wrote:
>>> We was on fire! Fire, I tell you...
>>> Thanks to everyone who attended (especially power-users Paul and Leah)
>>> As always, the full transcript and notes can be found on the etherpad:
>>> http://pad.p2pu.org/p/community-20120830
>>> *
>>> *
>>> *Attendees (welcome to any newbies)*
>>>    - Bekka
>>>    - Vanessa
>>>    - Philipp
>>>    - Piet (on pad)
>>>    - Dirk
>>>    - Paul
>>>    - Chris
>>>    - Leah
>>> *Standups **What have you been up to? Short **written** notes (we'll
>>> discuss only if there are questions)*
>>>    - Bekka
>>>    - Finance handover: SPREADSHEETS! SPREADSHEETS!
>>>    - Contacting course organisers
>>>    - Berlin write-up
>>>    - Course reviews
>>>    - Vanessa
>>>    - Mechanical MOOOOOOC: 3,000 signups!!!!!!
>>>    - Drafting email messages for content
>>>    - Talking to potential research groups
>>>    - MIT/SoundCloud/P2PU event planning--tshirts!
>>>    - Course Creation Research--almost finished
>>>    - Chris
>>>    - CSS framework
>>>    - Implementing Alex's mockups
>>>    - Will be released later today (in current state)
>>>    - Philipp
>>>    - Catching up on finance (P2PU to submit its first tax returns) but
>>>    main kudos to Bekka
>>>    - MOOC Certification discussion with OpenStudy
>>>    - Getting ready for US migration (leaving CPT 14 sept, arrive US 22
>>>    sept)
>>>    - Dirk
>>>    - Release -
>>>    http://info.p2pu.org/2012/08/28/release-notes-tagging-languages-another-school-happy-days/
>>>    - There will be only one course
>>>    - Badges
>>>    - Pieter
>>>    - on Monday with Luka C., submitted a letter of intent to the
>>>    Digital Media & Learning badge research competition
>>>    - our on-going notes with the actual 250-word letter at the bottom:
>>>    http://pad.p2pu.org/p/DML-research-comp
>>>    - we're waiting to hear back from the DML folks -- they'll probably
>>>    reach out to P2PU organizers about our letter at some point
>>>    - finalized a few courses for the School of Open and publicly
>>>    published them on P2PU (with great help from Jane, Molly, Emily, and Dave)
>>>    - exploring ways to tie P2PU into Open.Michigan activities, mainly
>>>    through the School of Open and School of Data efforts; added a new
>>>    "practice" section to our site: http://open.umich.edu/share/practice
>>>    - we'll be encouraging new grad students at U-M to try the "Get CC
>>>    Savvy" course at P2PU during their orientation tomorrow
>>>    - Add your name if you have any news (optional)
>>> *News of the week **Written** notes on what's going on in our world
>>> (bring up special announcements on the call)*
>>>    - Blog posts you wrote
>>>    - Articles you read
>>>    - Initiatives you heard about
>>> *Key updates*  *Super short updates about P2PU*
>>>    - Exciting new courses to check out or review (Bekka)
>>>    - https://p2pu.org/en/groups/technovation-kickoff/ (still under
>>>    development but getting ready to go live - any and all feedback to them
>>>    would be most welcome!)
>>>    - https://p2pu.org/en/groups/devmath/ - a great study group, seems
>>>    not to be affiliated with School of Ed, but perhaps should be. No
>>>    participants yet.
>>>    - Ruth Rominger is one of the most active contributors to School of
>>>    Ed - suspect it's just in draft status, and will become part of SoEd in
>>>    future
>>>    - Paul Allison -> course development has such a local aspect and I
>>>    get feedback from all over the place, and I appreciate the offers, but
>>>    knowing when to ask is tough.
>>>    - Perhaps some clarity from P2PU on who the people who give feedback
>>>    are would be useful.
>>>    - Curriculum design on the secondary teaching level is really
>>>    iterative - until students get in there and mess around, you never really
>>>    know. I've put up more boilerplate stuff and am waiting until students get
>>>    into it to find out.
>>>    - But I feel like, in terms of badge development, I feel like I got
>>>    key feedback at the right times.
>>>    - Question to PA: Did you feel you were getting sufficient / good
>>>    feedback and response to your courses? Would you like more? Different
>>>    feedback?
>>>    - We also had a call with Karen and Paul walking through the
>>>    curriculum that was very fruitful
>>>    - Development priorities (Dirk)
>>>    - CSS framework
>>>    - This is one of the big things we're still busy with - we should
>>>    have something to look at on alpha.p2pu.org soonish
>>>    - Course unification
>>>    - This is the process of merging the two
>>>    - State of the mustard (Philipp)
>>>    - Nad had to put metrics work on hold
>>>    - Stats for Aug slightly down compared to July, but basic metrics we
>>>    track feel less and less relevant
>>>    - More useful / interesting -> Mechanical MOOC 3000 signups
>>>    - Hopefully in the next few weeks we'll get more information on
>>>    activity within courses, which will be more useful.
>>> *Agenda **Core of the call. Focused on four types of conversations
>>> (invited guests, challenges you need help with, proposals you want feedback
>>> on, ideas you need collaborators for). *
>>>    - Any feedback from Campus Party?
>>>    - There is a video -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeMY5bw6NB4
>>>    - Vanessa -> I spoke to Niels on Tuesday, he thought he was only
>>>    going to speak for 15 minutes, but they gave him an hour, so he and Paul
>>>    Osman spoke about dev on P2PU as well. He was back-to-back with the other
>>>    speaker, which was a bit distracting.
>>>    - Next week: course creation presentation
>>> *General discussion and questions*
>>>    - How does the course review process work? Is there a how-to / guide
>>>    somewhere?
>>>    - Only staff have permission to do reviews right now
>>>    - What's holding us back from opening it up?
>>>    - BK -> nothing, I think. At least from a pedagogical perspective
>>>    - DU: We can manually give permission to let more people do reviews,
>>>    but opening it up to everyone will require a write-up and will be some work
>>>    to set up
>>>    - Recommend to lift restrictions
>>>    - BK -> How about we create a very basic 5 point guideline
>>>    - Some general practices (be nice, remember not everyone speaks
>>>    english, look for skills identified, what are peer interactions, etc)
>>>    and also simple instruction -> what you are supposed to do ie:
>>>    "click the review button", let people know where/who the message comes from
>>>    etc)
>>>    -
>>>    https://p2pu.org/en/groups/make-a-course/content/bonus-task-playstorm/
>>>    - I've only reviewed courses off p2pu.org, in draft form--I'm
>>>    unclear about how to do it myself
>>>    - What are the things we are looking for (checklist) when we review?
>>>    - VMG uses guidelines from course design. It's in the "create a
>>>    course" course.
>>>    https://p2pu.org/en/groups/make-a-course/content/bonus-task-playstorm/
>>>    - and repurposing it would be GREAT!
>>>    - Leah -> VMG and I have looked at this rubric and talked about it a
>>>    lot.
>>>    - People need more guidance about using the technology within the
>>>    system - like how to place a YouTube embed so that it doesn't look weird,
>>>    and how to use graphics to unify the theme of their course, we've talked
>>>    about personal branding, and it can be really simple, but people don't know
>>>    about them.
>>>    - PA -> I think it might be useful to help people know how to get in
>>>    contact with other people. And also it's important to let people know that
>>>    it's okay to open it up before it's "done" (if a course is ever really
>>>    "done")
>>>    - BK/VMG to build basic course review rubrik
>>>  --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the "P2PU
>>> Community" group. Please stick to the ground rules:
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/p2pu-community/web/ground-rules
>>> Specific topics such as research, web development and course design are
>>> discussed in separate working groups:
>>> http://wiki.p2pu.org/mailing-lists
>> --
>> Alison
>>  --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the "P2PU
>> Community" group. Please stick to the ground rules:
>> http://groups.google.com/group/p2pu-community/web/ground-rules
>> Specific topics such as research, web development and course design are
>> discussed in separate working groups:
>> http://wiki.p2pu.org/mailing-lists
> --
> Vanessa Gennarelli
> Learning Lead, Peer 2 Peer University
> vanessa at p2pu.org
>  @mozzadrella <https://twitter.com/#%21/mozzadrella>
>  --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the "P2PU
> Community" group. Please stick to the ground rules:
> http://groups.google.com/group/p2pu-community/web/ground-rules
> Specific topics such as research, web development and course design are
> discussed in separate working groups:
> http://wiki.p2pu.org/mailing-lists


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