[p2pu-dev] Redirection for API calls to an API_SERVER

Jos Flores josmasflores at gmail.com
Thu May 17 14:21:16 UTC 2012

Hey guys,

Dan, yeah, that is a really cool set up. I don't know why or when work
stopped towards that. I remember a discussion about security regarding
embedding content but I did not follow it really, but would be cool to
put it on the table again and continue the discussion.

Dirk, I don't have a real use case in mind. We discussed several cases
but they are all summed up nicely in yours. There were requests in the
list for an API so we started working on it.

As I see it right now it wouldn't make sense to run the API separately
cause it does not server enough data. For that reason I think that the
current changes are better suited cause it allows to switch on/off and
redirect to a different server in the future (if needed). We wanted to
bake in that flexibility but not totally separate them. Or that is
what I understood (all discussion is in the cards in trello).

We also wanted to have something deployed as an alpha to encourage
people to play with it so we can have a better picture of what is
needed. i am happy to re-evaluate the situation though, so let me know
what you think.

Oh, I'll fix the reqs, thanks for the tip!


On 17 May 2012 12:31, Dirk Uys <dirk at p2pu.org> wrote:
> Hi Jose
> I haven't had an opportunity to look at all the changes yet, but it
> seems like you are making good progress so far!
> From what I gather the idea is to be able to run either the API or the
> site, but not both (according to the comments i read here
> https://github.com/josmas/lernanta/commit/7f59a769581f2607c883db7dc0e1672fecc80faa).
> Maybe we can have the ability to enable/disable both independently.
> I don't know if this is more important in the long term or in the
> short term? In the short term we don't want to run an API that may
> overtax the server, but in the long term the API may be an integral
> part of the platform.
> Just something small - I saw in
> https://github.com/josmas/lernanta/blob/api/lernanta/requirements/prod.txt#L17
> that there are some >= requirements. Prefer == requirements, you never
> know when an update to a package will break stuff :)
> I think we need to think about where the API is headed. There are a
> few possible use cases that I can think off:
> - We can use it to allow 3rd party components and integration with
> other learning platforms
> - We can use it internally within Lernanta to create a more modular
> system and allow 3rd party components to co-exist with the P2PU
> platform
> - We can use it to satisfy specialized needs like extracting
> anonymized metrics from the P2PU platform
> Maybe I also need a bit more background, because I wasn't around when
> the API work started. Do you have a specific use case in mind?
> I think we all know that working on an API is extremely important, but
> I'm not sure exactly how the API should look at this moment.
> Cheers
> d
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