[p2pu-dev] [p2pu-community] Progress on the read-only API effort

John Britton john at p2pu.org
Fri Mar 16 14:28:05 UTC 2012

Thanks José, keep up the good work. Can't wait to have this live.

John Britton
contact info:
@johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 2:32 PM, Jos Flores <josmasflores at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all, just wanted to put together a bunch of notes to report
> progress on the API front.
> First I want to thank Ricardo (http://p2pu.org/es/rsoares/) for
> offering his help and joining us in the efforts. There were a bunch of
> you out there interested in helping out so if you still are, please do
> get in touch.
> Note: If you want to see formatted JSON in your browser you can
> install JSONView (chrome:
> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chklaanhfefbnpoihckbnefhakgolnmc
>    firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/jsonview/)
> Zuzel has deployed the current (in development) pre-alpha version at:
> http://alpha.p2pu.org:8094/en/api/v1/?format=json
> That link will give you a description of what the API can do for you.
> There are four main resources right now: Badge, Project
> (course/group/challenge), School, and UserProfile. You can access each
> of them as follows (you can substitute 'badge' for any of the other 3
> resources):
> All Badges: http://alpha.p2pu.org:8094/en/api/v1/badge/?format=json
> One badge with id = 1:
> http://alpha.p2pu.org:8094/en/api/v1/badge/1/?format=json
> Links to all the docs and activities:
> Trello board:
> https://trello.com/board/p2pu-api-process/4f4fb70ee4ba0e4f098263e9
> Next Tasks are being discussed in this card:
> https://trello.com/card/discuss-review-and-merging-with-zuzel-and-john/4f4fb70ee4ba0e4f098263e9/14
> Current dev branch: https://github.com/josmas/lernanta/tree/api
> Documentation:
> https://github.com/p2pu/lernanta/wiki/API-development-process
> irc: #p2pu-dev on freenode
> If you are not too keen on API development it would also be great if
> you want to use the API as a creator; creating widgets or mobile apps
> that consume data from the API would be of great help to us in terms
> of getting feedback and finding out what the needs are. Most of the
> things that you can learn in Jessy's challenge with the twitter API
> should be applicable for the P2PU API
> (http://p2pu.org/es/groups/programming-101/) so what are you waiting
> for? :)
> cheers,
> José
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the "P2PU
> Community" group. Please stick to the ground rules:
> http://groups.google.com/group/p2pu-community/web/ground-rules
> Specific topics such as research, web development and course design are
> discussed in separate working groups:
> http://wiki.p2pu.org/mailing-lists
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