[p2pu-dev] comments, activities and replies

Dirk Uys dirk at p2pu.org
Tue Jun 12 09:56:53 UTC 2012

Hi John

I am busy working on some of the notification improvements we talked about
and I noticed that replying to activities seems to be rather obscure at the
moment. The only place that it seems to happen is when someone posts a
status to a course. I had a look at our current data, and here's some

Total replies/comments = 17567 (8378)
Replies/comments posted to tasks = 11302 (6367)
Replies/comments posted as replies to activities = 861 (233)
Replies/comments posted as replies to signup answers = 5404 (1775)

Numbers in brackets refers to this year. If they don't add up, it's because
it changed a little while I ran the queries.

Maybe we need to improve it by displaying them in-line or maybe we should
drop the functionality altogether?

I'm cc'ing the community and dev list to also get their input.

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