[p2pu-dev] Two way communication for notifications and messaging

Jos Flores josmasflores at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 08:09:17 UTC 2012

This is too core to be community managed (in my opinion). I'm sure we
could set it up as a community, but these kind of things need a lot of
maintenance, and when the mail server explodes in the middle of the
night it could take days till someone has time to have a look, and
that is not an option. The $70 package provides all the needed APIs so
they should already be included really.


On 5 June 2012 08:36, Philipp Schmidt <philipp at p2pu.org> wrote:
> On Monday, June 4, 2012, Stian Håklev wrote:
>> Great,
>> does Sendgrid sponsor us with free service? Does it include this parse
>> API? Then we're good to go :)
> We are getting a discount but pay roughly 150 USD / month.
> Given our very limited dev resources at the moment outsourcing minimizes
> distraction from development tasks. On the other hand if our community can
> take this over we could use the money in more meaningful ways.
> P
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