[p2pu-dev] UReddit has an API

Dan Diebolt dandiebolt at gmail.com
Sat Jul 21 18:44:45 UTC 2012

I tested some of the API methods to see what they returned. Unfortunately
the top level catalog method produces an error:

(Error 23000) SQLSTATE error code 23000, driver error code 1048: Column
'id' cannot be null

Some of the other methods produce JSON if you supply an appropriate id. If
you run the JSON through a beautifier (http://jsbeautifier.org/) you can
read the info that is returned from the API method.

A typical response for the class method looks like this (truncated


    "name": "Introduction to C++: A video guided tutorial",
    "created": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
    "last modified": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
    "status": "3",
    "status_description": "running, open for signups",
    "owner": "8937",
    "teachers": ["8937"],
    "description": "THIS WILL BE A LONG COURSE. ... "
"prerequisites": "A general knowledge of computers ..."
"syllabus": "As I add videos to the course, I will do my best ..."
"additional information": "This is a course that I\\'m putting together for
the community. ..."
"teacher qualifications": "3rd year college student(on my second degree)
"lectures": [],
    "score": 2845,
    "roster": ["18909", "8614", "13411", ...]

You should study what all these learning platforms are offering for their
APIs before committing to anything.

The biggest contribution you could make if you are doing this radar thing
is normalize the format for cataloging learning content that is located on
the open web and provide a way to bidirectionally link with this external
content and exchange information.
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