[p2pu-dev] Reply by email to notifications, formatting
Jessy Kate Schingler
jessy at jessykate.com
Sat Jul 14 11:55:40 UTC 2012
great suggestions stian.
FWIW, i think the threading is based on the in-reply-to header (you can
"show original" in gmail to see these headers, for those who haven't done
that before!)
On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 1:44 PM, Stian Håklev <shaklev at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Dirk,
> it's always hard to guess what other people will think about something,
> but I think a huge amount of people have been exposed to mailing lists -
> for example, my university has several mailing lists that all students are
> subscribed to, including updates about funding opportunities, emergency
> weather messages etc. And even if people aren't used to this convention, I
> think they would catch on pretty quickly, and it wouldn't confuse them :)
> (One important thing is that it would enable filtering so you could put all
> of the messages from a given course into a certain label etc).
> As for headers, I'm not that familiar with the e-mail protocol and e-mail
> readers, but one thing that would be massively helpful is if GMail was able
> to recognize conversation threads, and sort the messages accordingly. I'm
> not quite sure what GMail bases this on, but I know that for github issues,
> it automatically puts different messages together into one thread which
> makes it much easier to read, archive etc. Perhaps this is simply based on
> the subject line?
> Stian
> On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 6:11 AM, Dirk Uys <dirk at p2pu.org> wrote:
>> Hi Stian
>> This sounds like a good idea! One thing I'm wondering about is the use of
>> course name/short name in brackets in the subject line. Eg.
>> [chin-shopkeep]. This makes lots of sense to me as a technical person using
>> a lot of mailing lists, but does it make sense to other non tech people as
>> well?
>> The from address can easily be done, currently we set the from address to
>> be "P2PU <reply+asdfjlwerlwe at reply.p2pu.org>", but substituting P2PU for
>> the sender's name wouldn't be a problem. I created a issue on github for
>> this (https://github.com/p2pu/lernanta/issues/173)
>> Another thing that I am wondering about is what headers we need to
>> include? Github sets List-Id, List-Archive, List-Unsubscribe and some
>> others. We should also set Message-ID. (
>> https://github.com/p2pu/lernanta/issues/172)
>> Please keep the suggestions coming on how we can improve the reply by
>> email!
>> Cheers
>> d
>> On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 6:20 PM, Jessy Kate Schingler <
>> jessy at jessykate.com> wrote:
>>> wow, YES, totally. +100 for this formatting. (though keeping all the fun
>>> footer messages :))
>>> On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 6:11 PM, Stian Håklev <shaklev at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I will be very happy to buy whoever implemented this a beer the next
>>>> time we meet! This is really awesome - I've been begging for this kind of
>>>> functionality for ever, and it's a bit overwhelming to actually see it
>>>> implemented, and working perfectly! :))
>>>> I wonder if we can have a look at the formatting of the messages
>>>> though, currently there seems to be a lot of "cruft"... here's an example
>>>> message:
>>>> ---
>>>> Chinese for shopkeepers was updated.
>>>> Stian Haklev posted a new comment at Experimenting.
>>>> Comment:
>>>> This actually works
>>>> See comment at: https://p2pu.org/comments/19235/
>>>> You can reply to this comment by email! Just type your reply at the top.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> The P2PU Team
>>>> Manage how often you get these delightful messages at:
>>>> http://p2pu.org/profile/edit/settings/
>>>> ---
>>>> The actual comment is just one line long, and it is buried under all
>>>> the other "chrome" (especially if you get a lot of update messages, where
>>>> 90% of the contents is the same). Looking at GitHub, for example, they use
>>>> the username as sender, without faking the sending email (something like
>>>> from: Stian Haklev <reply+34093409 at p2pu.org>).
>>>> We also talked a few times about assigning, or letting the user assign,
>>>> short codes to courses. That way the name of the course could be embedded
>>>> in the subject line, and the actual subject of the message (or of the
>>>> task). So instead of seeing
>>>> ---
>>>> P2PU Stian Haklev posted a new comment in Chinese for Shop
>>>> Keepers....
>>>> ---
>>>> in the inbox overview, we could see
>>>> ---
>>>> Stian Haklev [chin-shopkeep] What are the most important
>>>> characters for advertising?
>>>> ---
>>>> and the e-mail could be compressed to something like this:
>>>> ---
>>>> from: Stian Haklev <reply-340924093 at p2pu.org>
>>>> subj: [chin-shopkeep] What are the most important characters for
>>>> advertising?
>>>> I was reading about different characters used in monetary transactions
>>>> yesterday, and I wondered whether 快 or 块 was actually the correct
>>>> signifier? The literature differs.
>>>> Stian
>>>> --
>>>> This message was posted in the Chinese for Shopkeepers Course<http://f/> on
>>>> P2PU. View thread <http://f/>, or respond to this message directly.
>>>> ---
>>>> Just a suggestion, but I'd love to see some tinkering with this format.
>>>> Stian
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>>> Jessy Kate Schingler
>>> http://jessykate.com
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Jessy Kate Schingler
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