[p2pu-dev] The state of metrics in lernanta

Nadeem Shabir nadeem at p2pu.org
Mon Jul 9 09:25:29 UTC 2012


@Dirk, Thats a great summary I think it covers everything we discussed :)

As a brief follow up I spent a little time over the weekend looking through
some of the existing dashboards we have ( scoreboard, course analytics etc.
StatsD) so I could get a better sense of the kinds of metrics we are
currently collecting and how we a reporting on them. I'd also like to have
access to the DB / Schema to get a sense of what data we are actually
storing, in Lernanta. I walked through some of the code with Dirk and we
both agree that some of the data being stored for tracking / usage purposes
could be offloaded elsewhere; and theres a bunch of techniques we could
employ to do this. Give us a separation between these concerns.

I'm going to share some more technical thoughts over the next couple of
days; and hopefully build some exemplars rather than talk about the changes
in abstract terms.

As I mentioned to Dirk it would be useful to get a sense of the kind of
questions that people want to be able to have answered ( from a reporting
on metrics pov ) and that needs to include the frequency at which the
reports would need to be generated.   So for example, do we have a
real-time requirement on any of the reports is it ok to have some reports a
day old etc.  I was hoping that whilst folks are together in Berlin Dirk to
could discuss this with Philipp, Stian and others to tease some of these
details out.


On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 9:29 AM, Dirk Uys <dirk at p2pu.org> wrote:

> On Friday I had a constructive conversation with Nadeem Shabir about
> the current state of metrics in Lernanta. We mainly discussed the
> following four points:
> - What we currently have
> - Who is the audiences for metrics
> - Places where metrics are visible
> - Future improvements
> What we currently have
> - Google analytics
> - Pageviews tracked as part of Lernanta
> (https://github.com/p2pu/lernanta/tree/master/lernanta/apps/tracker)
> - statsd (http://pad.p2pu.org/p/statsd)
> - Database queries that runs when viewing metrics
> - Anomyzed database dump
> Current audience and questions they may ask
> - P2PU Organization (Philipp)
> -- Are we healthy?
> -- Are we growing?
> - P2PU course organizers
> -- How are participants doing?
> -- What contents receives the most attention?
> - UX/dev team
> -- How many people are using a feature
> - Research team
> -- Different questions depending on the research
> Places where we expose metrics
> - Score board showing general site metrics
> - Course organizer dashboard showing per user metrics
> - Google analytics
> - The graphite interface to statsd
> - Custom db queries on anonymized database
> What we would like to improve in the future
> - Determine useful metrics to track
> - Campaign tracking of PR media
> - Using google analytics more
> - Use server access logs to complement other metrics
> - Move processing intensive metrics to separate application process
> - Generate regular automated reports
> @Nadeem, I may have left out some important points from our
> conversations, so please feel free to add any points that I missed :)
> If anyone has any input or suggestions, please chime in and share your
> thoughts.
> Cheers
> d
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