[p2pu-dev] [p2pu-community] audrey waters and stephen downes comment on lernanta

Jos Flores josmasflores at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 19:11:41 UTC 2012

Hey guys,

I don't think you are misreading it and I have to agree with Downes;
Lernanta at this stage is an LMS; it allows users to create and/or
participate in courses; no matter if there are three flavours of
courses or if you can 'follow' a course as opposed to 'participating'
(is that what the highlighted community aspect is?). Also does not
matter if the content is original or rehashed. There is no way in or
out (other than through the site) and it does not provide any
additional features to users.

I don't want it to sound as criticism, but what can anyone do in
Lernanta that cannot be done with Moodle? The structure of a challenge
could be replicated in a course/study group.

I know there's been a lot of work regarding moocs in the last few
months, but I know that because I follow the discussion. None of that
is in the software though. Even the main focus of the last year or two
(I'd say) which was badges (is this correct?) is not a core part of
the software, and it has to be done manually (except for OBI
integration, which, in any case, generates a quantifiable number of
suppor tickets).

I might be barking at the wrong tree here cause I know near to nothing
about moocs. As far as I know Coursera (the only platform I have used)
is pretty much the same as Lernanta or Moodle. Looks different, does
the same thing. The whole idea of a 'Participative pedagogical model'
that Downes seem to be referring to is something I did not see in the
saas class; in fact, they were very clear about 'not copying' other
people's solutions. Throwing in a forum where you can ask only certain
kinds of questions does not make it participative.

Anyway, looking forward to hear MOAR about what you guys are up to
regarding moocs and how that would make the software different. After
all, Lernanta is just a tool and the important thing is how it is used
in the end.


On 5 July 2012 19:41, Philipp Schmidt <philipp at p2pu.org> wrote:
> useful discussion. and important for us to consider the implied criticism
> (from stephen downes) that lernanta doesn't really help users take ownership
> of their learning. or maybe I'm misreading.
> i would describe lernanta as a tool that let's communities of users make
> sense of the rich diversity of content and ideas on the web together.
> whereas in stephen's worldview the individuals are all piloting their own
> learning vehicles, we car-pool.
> http://mfeldstein.com/what-lies-beneath-some-thoughts-on-moocs-tech-infrastructure/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+mfeldstein%2Ffeed+%28e-Literate%29
> really awesome to see that this was ultimately prompted by dirk's blog post.
> we should blog more.
> P
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