[p2pu-dev] Trying to understand OSQA user authentication

Lucas Vickers lucasvickers at gmail.com
Mon Jan 30 04:10:07 UTC 2012


I am trying to understand and get basic user authentication functioning in
OSQA.  I am trying to find the easiest user login method possible.  I need
to create users, and if necessary I can do this through a mysql interface
but I would prefer a logical method.

I have the install and by default when I go to the login page my options
are a local user or the openID.

When using the local login, I get error:
(1146, "Table 'lernanta.users_userprofile' doesn't exist")
which leads me to ask
1) What is the linkage between lernanta and OSQA?  Can OSQA exist without
2) Where do local users get created in the combined workflow?

I tried to use my google openID and I see the following.  I have edited it

[Sun Jan 29 22:58:26 2012] [error] Generated checkid_setup request to
https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/ud?source=profiles with assocication
[taken out by me]
[Sun Jan 29 22:58:27 2012] [error] Received id_res response from
https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/ud?source=profiles using association
[taken out by me]

There is no other information.  I found limited information on the
meta.osqa.net site.
Is thee any information pertaining to how I can configure this?  Any
tutorial, etc?

thank you,
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