[p2pu-dev] Notes from Community Call - 19 January 2012
Rebecca Kahn
bekka at p2pu.org
Thu Jan 19 21:19:27 UTC 2012
Hi All
Please find the notes from this week's community call below. It was a good
one - thanks to everyone who joined us.
We're trying to come up with ways of making the call more interesting
(which will hopefully bring in more participants - yes, that means you!) so
please have a look, and feel free to share your suggestions.
All notes, and transcripts can be found on the etherpad:
January 19*
- *Attendees*
- Bekka
- John (on leave)
- Alison
- Brylie
- Carla
- Philipp
- Chloe
- Sunny
- *Standups*
- Alison
- new courses under development
- help desk hours
- Bekka
- Paypal finally set up (hooray) -- nice reading
the button should be added to the Donate section of
- Workshop cash
- Tax returns
- General email / managing spam courses
- Chloe
- Make a Challenge live http://p2pu.org/en/groups/make-a-challenge/ (will
do some minor edits today) - check it out, it's really awesome!
- Niels working on final voice-overs for these two videos
http://vimeo.com/35155365 & http://vimeo.com/35153616
- Design Assessment Features
- Survey for SoW Pilot is going live later today
- John (on leave)
- Philipp
- Surveys (challenges, badges)
- DML Proposal Phase II
- somewhat different from what we suspect the other submissions will be,
but fits in with ideas around platform, have asked for input from Carla and
- Happy to working with other partners on this as the process goes
- Hiring / Contracting
- Zuzel
- Interviews for Dev position
- Getting back on track with the dev todo (was not able to get much done
last week)
- Still on track for release tomorrow
- New Courses
- http://p2pu.org/en/groups/creative-activism-open-class/
- http://p2pu.org/en/groups/ed218-developing-mathematics-the-early-years/
- this is maria's course - looks really promising
- http://p2pu.org/en/groups/student-grant-writing/
- http://p2pu.org/en/groups/make-a-challenge/
- http://p2pu.org/es/groups/estudiantes-latinos/
- social group to find others with similar interests on p2pu
- Development priorities (I've added this to the regular points for
future calls - PS)
- Idea is to ask Zuzel/John to give very short overview of what is
underway in terms of development progress
- https://trello.com/board/project-pipeline/4ec0f020c137ff072a5d8afa
- Chloe -> suggestion - would it be helpful to have monthly goals and
milestones that we can share widely with the community to help people know
what's being worked on both project and dev-wise
- We do something similar on the dev call, we can add it as a point
- This week update:
- In the last few weeks we've finished the requests for the Hackasaurus
challenge set
- allowing interaction with external sites
- Trying to add flexibility to badges which individuals and peers can
submit and give
- Notification features for badges
- *Next phase:*
- Arlton has done work on changing the profile layout - Zuzel will work
on these, and share the URL
- There has been discussion around how people search for courses, and
allowing people to have a reviewer role, and allow them to see which
courses have not been reviewd. Nice.
- Showcase items
- help.p2pu.org / support process - who answers questions on
help.p2pu.org? [Philipp]
- John has been running a lot of the helpdesk stuff
- with him on vacation, how are things going, who is running things, do
people need help?
- Zuzel -> I don't think we get back to people in a day, but I step in
when it seems like a technical problem
- Chloe -> suggestion: should we make a video of all the FAQs?
- Q: Did Zuzel say we do NOT get back to people fast enough? Not every
question within a day. (do we send an email that says we ll get back to
you asap, etc etc?)
- Does helpdesk need to be one degree removed from P2PU lernata?
- What do you mean Brylie?
- We can reduce our reliance on proprietery software service(s).
- I.e we are using/leaning on a third party service that Django/Lernata
are capible of providing.
- Relatedly, having threaded/topical discusisons might be a beneficial
feature across the P2PU interface/courses.
- Also having support as part of the primary P2PU might encourage/enable
community members to prrovide support alongside of staff.
- Building helpdesk functionality would give us tight integrative
- Ali -> often questions require us getting more info, which is why
they're not closed within a day, but I don't think anyone is being ignored
- Ali - it sounds like you are able to cover while John is watching
lions. Great!
- Philipp -> would more people help and watch the helpdesk if they got
the notifications?
- Philipp to follow up with John on how to do this. Zuzel says we can
add volunteers from the community. Other suggestion would be to send
summaries to the dev list.
- The problem is that some disscusions are marked as private.
- *Todo* -> John, Zuzel, Philipp, Chloe to discuss in dev call and make
a recommendation (with Ali's input)
- Ali -> one way to integrate the helpdesk more is to integrate articles
within pages on the site, with a small icon or something
- i think the helpdesk should have its own p2pu looking page, with a
video ;) >> we should make a trello card for this
- little evidence people use live chat in my timezone
- http://p2pu.org/en/groups/html-and-css-for-beginners/ - proprietary
- A community member brought this item to our attention
- Basically, in this course (which has a lot of users) participants have
been asked to go to a site and take a paid course, with no free or open
alternative offered.
- User highlighted this, warned that P2PU could be used as a link to
closed, proprietary course
- Question: how is this backed by School of Webcraft?
- @Zuzel: is there a way to see who added the course to the school? (Yes
there is - Zuzel is checking)
- In terms of the SoW charter - this course should NOT be associated
with the school (but how do they have the logo? someone added them at
some point)
- Charter ->
- "*Courses must be built around tools that are accessible to any
learner free of cost and that allow participants to openly share their
- Will the course review feature help with this? If there was a comment
field that we could highlight things like this in (e.g. "This course
requires use of a non-free online course" etc.)
- Review discussion has focussed on "before course goes live" up till
now, but perhaps we need to think about setting this up for after the
course goes live as well.
- Then people can leave messages or requests for free and open
- I think this same user also mentioned things like the need to buy a
domain which could be something we are asking for on the webmaking 101
- Bekka: Hard to keep track of all the things that are going on in any
course - to flag things like this.
- Brylie -> Read the charter, and not 100% clear on the definitions of
"free and open" - a lot of the courses feature common, sometimes
proprietary, sometimes not free platforms and tools
- I think it will be more a question about hosting costs (and the
diversity of things people use outside of p2pu).
- Philipp ->SoW Charter: "Courses must be built around tools that are
accessible to any learner free of cost and that allow participants to
openly share their work."
- *This info is not on
- *to do:* chloe adds this to SoW text > sends to zuzel
- P2PU is more flexible, and could include other tools, and we've
included this purposefully
- In future - would be nice if we didn't need to discuss this on the
community call, but had a group of people who handle this (and bring
problems / unclear cases to the community)
- Where can we dicuss functionality?
- Dev list or dev call if you want to join
- Discuss idea for chat integration [Brylie]
- A lot of the values of P2PU, and the learning model would be well
served by havinga live chat integration
- Brylie: are you clear on what Zuzel suggested with regards to
implementing it?
- Somewhat. I will follow up with Zuzel :)
- There is a lot of support for offering a chat tool / feature, we just
don't have development resources to build it ... would need someone to step
in as a volunteer and take leadership
- Where/how can we find the resources to develop this? Everyone would
like to see chat as a more prominent feature
- Parts may already be developed
- Everyone would like to see a dozen things developed - sorry, not
trying to be sarcastic here - but there is a long list of things in the dev
pipeline already (all of which are important)
- Lets at least pledge to keep the idea/initiative alive :-) +1
- Suggestion -> add the p2pu IRC room more prominently / or other chat
plugin[preferably other plugin, it's just that we already have the IRC
room, but yes - not nice for non-geeks]
- Chloe thinks its a brilliant idea / helps peer to peer interaction,
makes possible TEAM work! :)
- Update on OBI? end of January according to Brian / Sunny can add
- Sunny -> Came on board in mid-december, still trying to figure out the
- Erin heads up the Learning Group, which include the OBI
- Carla bridges OBI and the Learning team ( Web Literacies headed by
Michelle Levesque?)
- OBI team is Sunny, Carla and Brian
- Learning team Michelle, Jess Klein and Erin -> focused on building
curriculum, web literacy badge system for Mozilla
- Sunny & Carla are available to talk, and everyone wears multiple hats,
but Sunny will be engaging with partners and hopefully streamlining those
processes, making it easier for partners to plug into OBI
- Currently in a kind of beta phase
- After mid-feb, move on to the endorser API
- Website being redesigned - objectve is to make all info easily
available to make partners systems OBI pluggable
- Got reply from Brian about the status of the changes going on on the
OBI api
- Current -> Critical Feature Complete
- End of Jan: Brian: doing a serious data structure & storage change,
still hoping to have it ready by the end of January
- Mid Feb: Displayer API
- Then -> Endorser API
- Zuzel on holiday in early Feb. ETA for integration?
- Sunny to update, but probably best to wait until after Mozilla badges
tech sprint
- Week of 13th in Brooklyn
- Connect with Zuzel remotely - consider having one of the participants
work on P2PU issuer tech as generic Django app
- Discussion/process match-ups: Zuzel <-> Brian for tech, Sunny<->others
for product
- DML Competition
- Matchmaking happening now
- Will know more about dates on Friday
- Give discussion topic (theme) to community call - this calls is
getting too administrative Janet Parker
- Bekka - if we could take all the staff standups off, my heart would
sing with joy...
- met with Jane yesterday and she requested that we give a topic/ theme
to these calls versus stand ups + agenda items....
- Ali -> dull calls aren't a totall bad thing - it's an important way to
show the commity that we are open and transparent
- Philipp -> Agree with Ali, but I think it gets pretty boring, and a
good 10 minute discussion takes 45 minutes of other stuff.
- Possibility of people "signing up" and preparing different sections
- interesting idea - i definitely think we should have more substantive
discussions (maybe around themes)> maybe themes is wrong word ... there
is a danger that this calls gets too administrative
- "Themes" made me think you wanted us to dress up ... "sci-fi",
"safari", "80's disco" ... which I am of course happy to do! thats
exactly what i meant
- Maybe sort the call different so the stands up are not the first thing
but we talk about things like the OBI (and people that are joining just
that week first).
- We could have an initial +1 session to prioritize agenda topics +1 ;-)
- Bekka is right - written standups
- Chloe -> Also use the call to discuss important things that are
happening in the broader world around P2PU
- *Suggestion for next week*: we use Chloe's "challenge creation"
challenge and use the call to discuss what goes into a challenge or talk
about what people are doing with this.
- Challenge creation party
- Chloe to decide how to frame? what to use the call for? when to do ...
(either thursday 26th or Feb 2nd (PS: Happy to discuss / talk through
this if you want Chloe)-ok
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