[p2pu-dev] Read only API discussion and potential study group

Jos Flores josmasflores at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 17:18:31 UTC 2012

Hi guys, been working a bit on the API and I would like to ask a few things:

Please note that we are talking about a read only API for now.

First of all I would like to have the 'go-ahead' from the project
lead. Don't want to put time and effort on this if there is no chance
it will ever be used (I'd rather spend my time fixing bugs). I have
been playing around with tastypie but if you guys would rather use
some other tool please let me know. Zuzel, could you let me know what
you think?

Second would be to get feedback from API potential users; what
information would you guys want the API to expose?

Last would be to know if anyone else is interested in working away on
this with me. My time is limited and I'm a Django newbie, so any help
would be much appreciated. Do you guys think that creating a Study
Group for this could work? I'll be happy to organise it.

Look forward to hearing some feedback!


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