[p2pu-dev] [p2pu-community] 2012 - the greatest hits

Rebecca Kahn bekka at p2pu.org
Thu Dec 20 11:46:12 UTC 2012

Awesome, thanks.

I am digging through the blog, and old emails. A lot of stuff has happened
since January 2012... P2Pu face to face meetups in Panama, us in Forbes
magazine, it's all there, even if it feels like a million years ago. I hope
to have a draft for people this afternoon...


On 20 December 2012 11:40, Philipp Schmidt <philipp at p2pu.org> wrote:

>  I think the blog has a pretty good record of what we did all year long.
> Most of the highlights are in there.
> The "Learning Analytics and the Art of Learning" post got retweeted by Sir
> Ken Robinson and had more than 100 RTs
> Jane did a few great School of Open workshops (incl. one at Open Policy
> Institute meeting)
> Vanessa's badges presentation at DML rocked
> P2PU UX Warrior presentation / community call
> P2PU London Meetup
> -- P
> On Tuesday, December 18, 2012 at 3:50 PM, Vanessa Gennarelli wrote:
> +1 JKS. Oh man, if we could visualize the depletion of our self-respect :)
> Also Story Hack Day, and Music Hack Day where Chris Ewald cleaned house.
> Philipp's getting the visiting researcher gig at MIT.
> Launch of our new blog.
> Day we hit 75 badges in our gallery.
> Day Webmaking 101 hit 1,500 users.
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 10:49 PM, Jessy Kate Schingler <
> jessy at jessykate.com> wrote:
> i think furbar - ehrm, i mean, geist im glass, should be on there :).
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 12:50 PM, Rebecca Kahn <bekka at p2pu.org> wrote:
> Good people....
> We're working on a P2PU greatest hits from 2012 retrospective. If any of
> you have any moments, milestones or memories you'd like to share, please
> feel free to share on this thread or drop me a line offlist.
> For example:
> Opening night at Bei Niels
> Launch of School of Data and School of Open
> Our third birthday
> New staffers coming onboard
> Launching MOOCs
> you get the picture...
> Thanks
> Bekka
> --
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> --
> Jessy Kate Schingler
> http://jessykate.com
>  --
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> --
> Vanessa Gennarelli
> Learning Lead, Peer 2 Peer University
> vanessa at p2pu.org
>  @mozzadrella <https://twitter.com/#!/mozzadrella>
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