[p2pu-dev] Unable to connect #p2pu-dev on irc

satyaakam goswami satyaakam at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 16:26:32 UTC 2012

> It's been a while since I've been on the IRC. Your best bet is probably to
> send questions to the mailing list. If you want some specific support -
> like help installing lernanta - that you would like to do on IRC, we can
> arrange a time? It will be a little difficult for me during the next two
> weeks since I'm travelling, but maybe we can figure out a time that works?

its ok i have started digging , if this message goes through then will
start posing questions here ,  also i discovered
https://groups.google.com/group/p2pu-community/ joined it too

i see the following channel info about irc channel , will hang around now
and then  may be some one like me will pop up

Information on #p2pu-dev:
-ChanServ- Founder    : zuzelvp, dirkc
-ChanServ- Registered : Jan 31 11:46:48 2011 (1 year, 44 weeks, 1 day,
04:34:57 ago)
-ChanServ- Last used  : Sep 19 10:36:46 2012 (11 weeks, 0 days, 05:44:59

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