[p2pu-dev] Notes from This Week's Community Call

Rebecca Kahn bekka at p2pu.org
Thu Aug 30 16:18:09 UTC 2012

We was on fire! Fire, I tell you...
Thanks to everyone who attended (especially power-users Paul and Leah)
As always, the full transcript and notes can be found on the etherpad:
*Attendees (welcome to any newbies)*

   - Bekka

   - Vanessa

   - Philipp

   - Piet (on pad)

   - Dirk

   - Paul

   - Chris

   - Leah

*Standups **What have you been up to? Short **written** notes (we'll
discuss only if there are questions)*

   - Bekka

   - Finance handover: SPREADSHEETS! SPREADSHEETS!

   - Contacting course organisers

   - Berlin write-up

   - Course reviews

   - Vanessa

   - Mechanical MOOOOOOC: 3,000 signups!!!!!!

   - Drafting email messages for content

   - Talking to potential research groups

   - MIT/SoundCloud/P2PU event planning--tshirts!

   - Course Creation Research--almost finished

   - Chris

   - CSS framework

   - Implementing Alex's mockups

   - Will be released later today (in current state)

   - Philipp

   - Catching up on finance (P2PU to submit its first tax returns) but main
   kudos to Bekka

   - MOOC Certification discussion with OpenStudy

   - Getting ready for US migration (leaving CPT 14 sept, arrive US 22 sept)

   - Dirk

   - Release -

   - There will be only one course

   - Badges

   - Pieter

   - on Monday with Luka C., submitted a letter of intent to the Digital
   Media & Learning badge research competition

   - our on-going notes with the actual 250-word letter at the bottom:

   - we're waiting to hear back from the DML folks -- they'll probably
   reach out to P2PU organizers about our letter at some point

   - finalized a few courses for the School of Open and publicly published
   them on P2PU (with great help from Jane, Molly, Emily, and Dave)

   - exploring ways to tie P2PU into Open.Michigan activities, mainly
   through the School of Open and School of Data efforts; added a new
   "practice" section to our site: http://open.umich.edu/share/practice

   - we'll be encouraging new grad students at U-M to try the "Get CC
   Savvy" course at P2PU during their orientation tomorrow

   - Add your name if you have any news (optional)

*News of the week **Written** notes on what's going on in our world (bring
up special announcements on the call)*

   - Blog posts you wrote

   - Articles you read

   - Initiatives you heard about

*Key updates*  *Super short updates about P2PU*

   - Exciting new courses to check out or review (Bekka)

   - https://p2pu.org/en/groups/technovation-kickoff/ (still under
   development but getting ready to go live - any and all feedback to them
   would be most welcome!)

   - https://p2pu.org/en/groups/devmath/ - a great study group, seems not
   to be affiliated with School of Ed, but perhaps should be. No participants

   - Ruth Rominger is one of the most active contributors to School of Ed -
   suspect it's just in draft status, and will become part of SoEd in future

   - Paul Allison -> course development has such a local aspect and I get
   feedback from all over the place, and I appreciate the offers, but knowing
   when to ask is tough.

   - Perhaps some clarity from P2PU on who the people who give feedback are
   would be useful.

   - Curriculum design on the secondary teaching level is really iterative
   - until students get in there and mess around, you never really know. I've
   put up more boilerplate stuff and am waiting until students get into it to
   find out.

   - But I feel like, in terms of badge development, I feel like I got key
   feedback at the right times.

   - Question to PA: Did you feel you were getting sufficient / good
   feedback and response to your courses? Would you like more? Different

   - We also had a call with Karen and Paul walking through the curriculum
   that was very fruitful

   - Development priorities (Dirk)

   - CSS framework

   - This is one of the big things we're still busy with - we should have
   something to look at on alpha.p2pu.org soonish

   - Course unification

   - This is the process of merging the two

   - State of the mustard (Philipp)

   - Nad had to put metrics work on hold

   - Stats for Aug slightly down compared to July, but basic metrics we
   track feel less and less relevant

   - More useful / interesting -> Mechanical MOOC 3000 signups

   - Hopefully in the next few weeks we'll get more information on activity
   within courses, which will be more useful.

*Agenda **Core of the call. Focused on four types of conversations (invited
guests, challenges you need help with, proposals you want feedback on,
ideas you need collaborators for). *

   - Any feedback from Campus Party?

   - There is a video -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeMY5bw6NB4

   - Vanessa -> I spoke to Niels on Tuesday, he thought he was only going
   to speak for 15 minutes, but they gave him an hour, so he and Paul Osman
   spoke about dev on P2PU as well. He was back-to-back with the other
   speaker, which was a bit distracting.

   - Next week: course creation presentation

*General discussion and questions*

   - How does the course review process work? Is there a how-to / guide

   - Only staff have permission to do reviews right now

   - What's holding us back from opening it up?

   - BK -> nothing, I think. At least from a pedagogical perspective

   - DU: We can manually give permission to let more people do reviews, but
   opening it up to everyone will require a write-up and will be some work to
   set up

   - Recommend to lift restrictions

   - BK -> How about we create a very basic 5 point guideline

   - Some general practices (be nice, remember not everyone speaks english,
   look for skills identified, what are peer interactions, etc) and also
   simple instruction -> what you are supposed to do ie: "click the review
   button", let people know where/who the message comes from etc)

   - https://p2pu.org/en/groups/make-a-course/content/bonus-task-playstorm/

   - I've only reviewed courses off p2pu.org, in draft form--I'm unclear
   about how to do it myself

   - What are the things we are looking for (checklist) when we review?

   - VMG uses guidelines from course design. It's in the "create a course"
   - and repurposing it would be GREAT!

   - Leah -> VMG and I have looked at this rubric and talked about it a

   - People need more guidance about using the technology within the system
   - like how to place a YouTube embed so that it doesn't look weird, and how
   to use graphics to unify the theme of their course, we've talked about
   personal branding, and it can be really simple, but people don't know about

   - PA -> I think it might be useful to help people know how to get in
   contact with other people. And also it's important to let people know that
   it's okay to open it up before it's "done" (if a course is ever really

   - BK/VMG to build basic course review rubrik
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