[p2pu-dev] Server maintenance

Dirk Uys dirk at p2pu.org
Tue Aug 21 13:36:49 UTC 2012

Hi everyone

Tidying up the server that hosts p2pu.org made itself a priority over
the last few weeks. We've had several spells of downtime that's not
very good.

The hosting situation is as follows:

p2pu.org ( linode with 4 gig ram )
- runs p2pu.org
- runs archive.p2pu.org
- runs badges.p2pu.org

dev.p2pu.org ( linode with 1 gig ram )
- runs pad.p2pu.org
- runs alpha.p2pu.org

stats.p2pu.org (linode with 512 mb ram)
- runs statsd

Shared dreamhost account
- runs info.p2pu.org

We need to make the following changes to the server running p2pu.org:
- upgrade to Ubuntu 12.04 server
- move everything except Lernanta to another server or shared hosting
- retire or move badges.p2pu.org

We also need a staging server with the same setup as p2pu.org
- setup a staging server that is a less beefy setup of p2pu.org (or
better yet, a staging server we can run on heruko)
- move pad.p2pu.org to the server running info.p2pu.org?

I'm starting by moving archive.p2pu.org to shared hosting (although
the 2.4 gig db is a little inconvenient). Because of the way the
hosting is setup I cannot test it before DNS redirects me to their IP,
but I'll sort something out.

After that I would like to build a whole machine running lernanta and
then switch to that once I've finished testing it thoroughly. What's
the easiest way that we can do that on linode without having down

I'm also not completely sure what to do about badges.p2pu.org. As far
as I know Lernanta reads some data directly from the database used by
badges.p2pu.org, but I'm not sure if any badges points to
badges.p2pu.org for evidence? Does anyone else maybe know offhand?

Suggestions and input will be appreciated


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