[p2pu-dev] [p2pu-community] Learn page

Alison Cole alison at p2pu.org
Tue Aug 14 15:41:30 UTC 2012

I think admin should be able to edit/improve course tags for the sake of
curation and improving searchability. Admin already help organizers by
fixing typos and links in course pages.

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 5:19 AM, Dirk Uys <dirk at p2pu.org> wrote:

> Hi everyone
> I'm looking at the learn page, so far I have a few comments:
> Featured, Schools and Tags all seems to act like links - they act the
> same regardless of where you come from. They also clear any language
> selections you've made before - like unchecking "All Languages" and
> resetting the selected language to the current locale. That basically
> kills the whole language preference!
> I'm thinking that we should divide the elements on the Learn page in 3
> categories:
> - Links/catalogues - links to lists of courses (community picks,
> showcase, school of open, ... )
> - Tags/filters - filtering using tags the way other sites like stack
> overflow does it
> - Search preferences - currently only language preferences carried
> over to links and tags
> If we sort that out and implement a very basic search that searches
> through keywords and the course names I think we are already well on
> our way to improving course discovery!
> One other concern is that currently a few courses takes over the tags
> completely! I'm not saying it's not good courses, but other courses
> needs some sunshine too :)
> Any thoughts?
> Cheers
> Dirk
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