[p2pu-dev] Getting started with Lernanta (cont.)

Jos Flores josmasflores at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 17:00:17 UTC 2012

Hey Dirk,

bunch of great questions in there. Maybe the challenge should be split
in different challenges with tasks grouped according to the target

What audiences can we think of? I can see:

Group 1: Aspiring contributors: they want to contribute to Lernanta
Group 2: More Lurker-like learners: they want to learn the tech but
not too bothered about contributing or participating.
Group 3: Non-technical contributors: they want a functioning copy of
Lernanta for translations/copy/and so on.

Tasks (and groups that will likely do them)
1. introduce yourself : Groups 1 (maybe 2) and 3
2. Getting to know Python: Groups 1 and 2
3. Getting to know Django : Groups 1 and 2
4. create dev env : Groups 1 and 2
5. group feedback (should this be part of the challenge? not a task anymore?)
6. experiment : Groups 1, 2 and 3
7. fix a bug : Group 1
8. links (should this be a task???)
9. windows (think this should go. should be part of 4)

Additional tasks (non existing now):
10. Up and running in 5 minutes : Group 3, using vagrant

Differences between groups 1 and 2 are not too wide and I'd say
targeting 1 would be a better fit for us anyway, so we could have 2
challenges (or two paths into one challenge):
For content developers: tasks 1, 10 and 6 (in that order --> probably
reorder task numbers)
For tech contributors: tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7

does that make any sense at all??? :D
Can you think of any other audiences?


On 13 April 2012 09:38, Dirk Uys <dirk at p2pu.org> wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I thought a little about the current challenge that we are using for
> Lernanta and I thought a bit about setting up a virtual machine for
> development.
> Lets say that we do development using a virtual machine and using something
> like http://vagrantup.com/. What will we need to put in the challenge?
> Maintaining the instructions for setting up the dev environment is
> important, but is it the really learning an aspiring contributor what he/she
> needs to know to contribute to Lernanta?
> Maybe we need to think a little about this and focus a bit on the tasks we
> would like to see that is not about prerequisites or setting up the dev
> environment?
> Any thoughts?
> Cheers
> d
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