[p2pu-dev] Getting started with Lernanta (cont.)

Dirk Uys dirk at p2pu.org
Fri Apr 13 08:38:10 UTC 2012

Hi everyone

I thought a little about the current challenge that we are using for
Lernanta and I thought a bit about setting up a virtual machine for

Lets say that we do development using a virtual machine and using something
like http://vagrantup.com/. What will we need to put in the challenge?

Maintaining the instructions for setting up the dev environment is
important, but is it the really learning an aspiring contributor what
he/she needs to know to contribute to Lernanta?

Maybe we need to think a little about this and focus a bit on the tasks we
would like to see that is not about prerequisites or setting up the dev

Any thoughts?

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