[p2pu-dev] Search in Lernanta

John Britton john at p2pu.org
Thu Apr 5 14:21:48 UTC 2012

Good point Zuzel. Do you have any experience using an external indexing
service? I know reddit uses indextank and have read good things about it:

contact info:
@johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 2:29 PM, zuzel.vp <zuzel.vp at gmail.com> wrote:

> and we will need to check the performance (indexing+search) of any library
> we choose -- I have bad past experiences on how slow some of the
> alternatives available with django are when working on production. If the
> setup works nicely it will help a lot with content discovery on the site.
> --
> Thanks,
>     Zuzel
> On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 6:30 AM, John Britton <john at p2pu.org> wrote:
>> Hey Jos,
>> Right now there's nothing special about the P2PU site search, it's just
>> using the Google index. Now that we've decided on separating content from
>> groups we have a better idea of our underlying model structure and I think
>> it will be pretty stable after the current changes..
>> Once those changes are made, adding a search that is a bit more aware of
>> our structure (challenge, group, peer, etc) would be a good idea. We've
>> talked about using Lucene / Solr in the past but haven't gotten to it yet.
>> Definitely a project a volunteer could start working on any time.
>> In the meantime I've created a placeholder for it in the backlog:
>> https://trello.com/c/anrdkvQM
>> Cheers,
>> John Britton
>>  --
>> contact info:
>> http://www.johndbritton.com
>> @johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton
>> On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 10:42 PM, Jos Flores <josmasflores at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hey guys,
>>> just checking, is there any search library (the likes of haystack:
>>> http://haystacksearch.org/ ) being used anywhere in Lernanta?
>>> I see a custom search app but all I can see it doing is a redirection
>>> to the search page (that uses Google underneath?).
>>> If not, any thoughts on how useful it would be? I could add it in as
>>> part of the API search and it could be extended to the main app after
>>> that if needed... would like to know what you guys think.
>>> cheers,
>>> José
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