[p2pu-dev] Search in Lernanta

John Britton john at p2pu.org
Thu Apr 5 10:30:32 UTC 2012

Hey Jos,

Right now there's nothing special about the P2PU site search, it's just
using the Google index. Now that we've decided on separating content from
groups we have a better idea of our underlying model structure and I think
it will be pretty stable after the current changes..

Once those changes are made, adding a search that is a bit more aware of
our structure (challenge, group, peer, etc) would be a good idea. We've
talked about using Lucene / Solr in the past but haven't gotten to it yet.
Definitely a project a volunteer could start working on any time.

In the meantime I've created a placeholder for it in the backlog:

John Britton
contact info:
@johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 10:42 PM, Jos Flores <josmasflores at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> just checking, is there any search library (the likes of haystack:
> http://haystacksearch.org/ ) being used anywhere in Lernanta?
> I see a custom search app but all I can see it doing is a redirection
> to the search page (that uses Google underneath?).
> If not, any thoughts on how useful it would be? I could add it in as
> part of the API search and it could be extended to the main app after
> that if needed... would like to know what you guys think.
> cheers,
> José
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