[p2pu-dev] P2PU Chinese Translation

John Britton john at p2pu.org
Tue Apr 3 08:09:33 UTC 2012

This is a really cool discussion. Although I only know a tiny bit of
Chinese I would like to suggest that we try and come up with something that
has four parts so that we can easily connect the brands to each other. I
think if we use a three character name that can be written with the four
colors that is ok too (as long as it makes sense).
contact info:
@johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton

2012/4/3 VampB <vampireb at gmail.com>

> I like how 伙伴 has the additional connotation of friendship. +1
> I would like to chime in with my own suggestion as well. I want to call
> P2PU "互学院" or "互学堂".
> "互" suggest reciprocal actions, usually referring to equivalent parties.
> "学院" can be used as a general term for schools, or if used officially,
> colleges.
> First of all, I feel that a three-character-word has a more dynamic and
> active vibe comparing to four-character ones.
> Secondly, this takes advantage of the flexibility in Chinese language.
> Though "学院" alone stands for college, "互学" can be interpreted together as
> "learn from each other", and the whole word "a college to learn from each
> other".
> Last but not least, I love how "互" is one of the pictographic ideograms
> where the shape suggests the meaning.
> I attached a very crude image as an example. Please try to imagine it with
> a better looking font and better quality.
> <http://?ui=2&ik=36f80eb735&view=att&th=136761e2c26721ab&attid=0.1&disp=safe&realattid=f_h0kcqw4p0&zw>
> Bo.Zhang
> 2012/3/29 谢昱 <emiliaxie at qq.com>
>> OpenYUE, we call it as "开悦公共大学”(OpenYUE public unviersity;open means the
>> platform is availible for everyone;YUE in Chinese means "happy"),As
>> for P2PU , "peer to peer"in Chinese we call "同辈or朋辈or 伙伴”.
>> Maybe “ 伙伴大学”or“伙伴社区”is ok。"伙伴"focus on p2p;
>> Emilia Xie:)
>> **
>>  ------------------ Original ------------------
>>  *From: * "谢昱"<emiliaxie at qq.com>;
>> *Date: * Fri, Mar 30, 2012 11:19 AM
>> *To: * "Stian Håklev"<shaklev at gmail.com>; **
>>  *Subject: * 回复: Re: Fwd: [p2pu-dev] P2PU Chinese Translation
>> Done!is it about WEE?
>> ---原始邮件---
>> 发件人:"Stian Håklev"<shaklev at gmail.com>
>> 发送时间:2012年3月30日 星期五 上午11:13
>> 收件人:"谢昱"<emiliaxie at qq.com>
>> 主题:Re: Fwd: [p2pu-dev] P2PU Chinese Translation
>> It's on the P2PU-dev mailing list, which you could join:
>> http://lists.p2pu.org/pipermail/p2pu-dev/2012-March/thread.html
>> 2012/3/29 谢昱<emiliaxie at qq.com>
>>> When?
>> ---原始邮件---
>> 发件人:"Stian Håklev"<shaklev at gmail.com>
>> 发送时间:2012年3月30日 星期五 上午2:24
>> 收件人:"谢昱Emilia"<emiliaxie at qq.com>
>> 主题:Fwd: [p2pu-dev] P2PU Chinese Translation
>> HiEmilia,
>> thereisadiscussionabouttranslationofP2PUandalsotranslatingthenamegoingonrightnowfromsomeoneinvolvedwithaChineseopenlearningproject,itwouldbegreatifyoucouldparticipateaswell.
>> Stian
>>  ----------Forwardedmessage----------
>> From:OliverDing<oliver.jian.ding at gmail.com>
>> Date:Tue,Mar27,2012at12:46
>> Subject:[p2pu-dev]P2PUChineseTranslation
>> To:P2PUTechnicalDevelopment<p2pu-dev at lists.p2pu.org>
>> Cc:NielsSprong<nielssprong at gmail.com>,NiklasKarlsson<
>> niklas.karlsson at kollaboration.se>,"L.E.O.Larsson"<creativetnt at hotmail.com
>> >,StefanPlsson<stefan at hyperfinder.net>,p2pu-community at googlegroups.com,
>> helengrives at hotmail.com
>> Hiall,
>> TodayIsawaChineselinkatthefooterandtheChineseuserinterfacetranslationisnotcompetelyfinished.
>> IcamefromChinain2007andIledtheteamofPledgeBank.com'ssimplifiedChinese**
>> translationin2007(http://en.swordi.com/?p=104and
>> http://www.zh.pledgebank.com).
>> HowtojointheP2PUChinesetranslationteam?
>> WeusedpoEdit <http://www.pledgebank.com/translate#poedit>onPledgeBankproject.
>> http://www.pledgebank.com/translate
>> OliverDing
>> http://OliverDing.com <http://oliverding.com/>
>> p.s.IamorganizingaChineseopencourseprojectcalledWEEwhichmeansWEandEducationonGoogle+.ThefirstcourseisSocialMediaforSmartPeople.AllofcontentsweproducedfromtheprojectwillbelicensedunderCC(by-nc-sa)whichmeansotherpeoplecantranslatethem,reusethemonline,andreusethemoffline.
>>  OnTue,Jan31,2012at7:43AM,zuzel.vp<zuzel.vp at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> http://alpha.p2pu.org/sv/isademooftheSwedishversionbutyou
>>> can'tloginwithyourusualaccountsthere.Useadministrator/password
>>> oruser-3/passwordtologinthere.
>>> IamgoingtobeawayforaweekstartingthisFridayandIambackon
>>> Feb13th(Monday).Iamplanningtodoareleasearoundthefirstdays
>>> oftheweekofthe13th.Soitshouldbeonthep2pusitebymid
>>> February.
>>> --
>>> Thanks,
>>> Zuzel
>>> OnTue,Jan31,2012at4:50AM,NiklasKarlsson
>>> <niklas.karlsson at kollaboration.se>wrote:
>>> >Hi,
>>> >
>>> >IthinktheSwedishversionlooksgreat!Iveonlyfoundafewsentences
>>> >thathavetobechanged.Imnotsurethatitisokaytologin,butI
>>> >triedtologinintheSwedishversionwithmyordinaryP2PUaccountandit
>>> >didntwork-Ihadtocreateanewaccount.
>>> >
>>> >ImalsocuriousaboutwhenyouthinkP2PUinSwedishandsoforthwillbe
>>> >released.
>>> >
>>> >/Niklas
>>> >
>>> >On1/30/126:32PM,zuzel.vpwrote:
>>> >
>>> >Hi,
>>> >
>>> >Inthepastmonthstherehasbeeninterestinincludingtranslations
>>> >oflernantatoDutch,SwedishandChinese.Theinitialreleasehasa
>>> >bitmoreofworkonthedevelopmentsidesincewehavetoconfigure
>>> >thetranslationsforthirdpartytools(e.g.,ckeditor,datepicker,
>>> >recaptcha,googlecustomsearch,...)andcustomizesomeofthecss
>>> >(font-sizes,...).Nowthatthispartisdoneforthesethree
>>> >languagesweneedhelpfromtranslatorstostart(ididnotfinda
>>> >django.pofileforchinesebuttherewasacardontheproject
>>> >pipeline)orcontinuemaintainingthedjango.pofilesat
>>> >(search
>>> >forlinesmarkedasfuzzyorforuntranslatedstrings).IfIforgot
>>> >oneofthelanguagesforwhichsomeonestartedpreparingthe.pofile
>>> >pleaseletmeknowsoIdotheinitialsetup.Forthosecuriousabout
>>> >howthesitelooksinthoselanguagestakealookatalpha.p2pu.org
>>> >(thelanguagenavigationbarisatthefooter).
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >--
>>> >NiklasKarlsson
>>> >Mail:niklas.karlsson at kollaboration.se
>>> >Skype:niklas.karlsson.
>>> >Twitter:niklas_karlsson
>>> >Tfn:+46-766183626<http://m67.mail.qq.com/zh_CN/htmledition/domain0b63e8.html?qq.com#1366195d6f0a2c5c_>
>>> >Blog:Learning,collaboration–research
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