[p2pu-dev] wireframes of badge task/assessment

Chloe Varelidi chloe at varelidi.com
Mon Sep 26 15:53:30 UTC 2011

Hey John,
My only comment is that it is one "extra click" right now to do the "badge
task" whereas keeping it inside the window might make it easier for users to
apply for the badge and award others for the badge. Additionally it is best
in terms of a learning experience that I can immediately "see the benefit"
and the "end goal" of what I am doing, which includes the option to apply
for a badge and giving a badge to a peer. However if you think it might be
just fine with going to a new page for the badge task we can try that for
now and revisit the issue later...

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 5:20 PM, John Britton <john at p2pu.org> wrote:

> Adding a bit more context:
> Arlton and I spent some time discussing how we could expose badges on the
> Challenge page while still leaving the bulk of the interaction design up to
> you. We came up with the concept of asking users to apply for a badge by
> clicking "apply for badge."
> After the click, the user is sent to a new page with all of the badges
> available from that challenge and can take the necessary steps to submit.
> Please let us know if there's another way you'd like us to surface this
> action.
> --
> contact info:
> http://www.johndbritton.com
> @johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton
> On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Arlton Lowry <arltonlowry at gmail.com>wrote:
>> John and I had spoke about there being a "Apply for Badge" button under
>> the tasks that sends users to a page that has all the badges listed with
>> what is needed to apply for each of them. From your mockup, it looks like
>> you plan to have that happen on the Challenge page?
>> You can checkout what we have so far here:
>> http://alpha.p2pu.org:8091/en/groups/new-group/
>> Arlton
>> Hey all - wanted to share wireframes of the badge task and peer assessment
>> that Chloe has been working on.
>> Included:
>>    - Challenge view with badge tasks (I know we are not building this
>>    piece but tried to capture the thinking of the flow)
>>    - Task/process for peer to peer badges
>>    - Task/process for submission for skill badges
>>    - Peer assessment of skill badges
>>    - Mockup of a potential review queue to help prioritize submissions
>>    that still need assessments
>> Please let us know if you have questions or feedback. Jessica is set to
>> dive into development of the badge and assessment related functionality over
>> the weekend.
>> -E
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Chloe Varelidi <chloe at varelidi.com>
>> Date: Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 11:43 AM
>> Subject: Re: badge integration: next steps
>> To: Erin Knight <erin.knight21 at gmail.com>
>> Cc: Jessica Ledbetter <jessica at jessicaledbetter.com>
>> So, I have updated all wireframes Erin so that the i m done is after the
>> badge tasks, and on themouseover we include the "formula" or whatever we
>> want to call it, see attached
>> Also, took a stab on a wireframe of what could happen when you clicked on
>> the "review your peers" left sidebar on arltons mockup. > does that sound
>> right? It might be something John & arlton are already working on?
>>  <Webcraftchallenges_wireframe_challengeview_2.png>
>> <Webcraftchallenges_wireframe_challengeview_givepeerbadge_2.png>
>> <Webcraftchallenges_wireframe_challengeview_submitforbadges_2.png><Badges
>> review queue.png>
>> <Webcraftchallenges_wireframe_skillbadge_peerassessment.png>
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Chloe Varelidi
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