[p2pu-dev] Community Call notes - 16 September 2011

Rebecca Kahn bekka at p2pu.org
Fri Sep 16 09:56:00 UTC 2011

Hi everyone

Apologies for sending these out so late.
Yesterday's meeting was short and awesome (like all good espresso should be)
and thanks to everyone who was there, espcially John for building our great
new pad finding tool (last agenda item). As always, notes and chat
transcripts can be found on the etherpad: http://pad.p2pu.org/community


   - (Alison, Philipp, Erin will be absent - sorry!)
   - Pippa
   - Zuzel
   - Jessica
   - Bekka
   - John
   - Carla


   - Assessment & Badges [Erin]
   - Learning Analytics [Jessica]
   - Metrics Overall [John]
   - User Support [Alison / John]
   - Webcraft [John]
   - Tech [Zuzel]
   - School of Ed [Philipp]


   - Project stand-ups
   - Use of twitter - Let's agree on the basic how/ what
   - Orientation Plans [Pippa]
   - Padsearch [John]


*Badges [Jessica for the dev side]*
We're working through an implementation doc -

*Learning Analytics [Jessica]*
CSV exports are coming along
Good feedback

*Metrics Overall [John]*
Webcraft is the main priority, no updates since last week
Need to add some tracking code to Lernanta as the next step

*Support  [John/Alison]*
No updates, pending Single Sign On integration for Lernanta

*Webcraft [John]*
John sent an email to lists
first 5 challenges are ready
Challenge group type available -thanks to Zuzel
Collecting feedback and the community and Mozilla
Next week Jamie and John will work on changes
Hopefully live by end ofnext week,

Working on change list for last release
Mostly behind the scenes stuff
School of Ed changes


   - Who has access? John, Alison, Bekka, Philipp, Jane, Zuzel (anyone

   - What do we use it for?

   - Get the word out

   - Feature awesome work / courses / people

   - Speak with our community

   - Who do you follow?

   - Who do you retweet?

Orientation Plans

   - difficult as Ali is away - i want to find out if regular orientation
   courses and related badges are still planned?

   - Most of these questions are being discussed in the Edupunks course.

   - query re ongoing plans and how this is accessible at a broader level
   will be asked on a later call

Padsearch [John]
JOHN IS A GENIUS (and hates looking for pads) so he's built us a pad search
tool. It works like a dream. He gets a badge for this.
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