[p2pu-dev] Challenges page mockup

Philipp Schmidt philipp at p2pu.org
Thu Sep 8 22:03:45 UTC 2011

On 8 September 2011 16:53, Arlton Lowry <arltonlowry at gmail.com> wrote:
> Comments below. :)
>> This is going in the right direction. Thanks for sharing Arlton!
>> Comments / questions
>> * Community help - It would be useful to have space where users can
>> ask questions related to the overall challenge (not specific to an
>> individual task). These could be more general questions on how tasks
>> fit together or questions about mentors ... In yesterday's call we
>> discussed (and I believe we agreed) to keep the wall as a way to
>> "post/communicate" while we are revisiting the activity stream
>> feature. That would solve this issue.
> I'm still not sold on the Activity Stream being apart of the Challenge pages. I don't see it adding that much value. I would actually argue that it takes away from the Challenges pages ability to inform the user and in-turn confuses them. I understand why the Activity Steam is on the individual tasks pages, because the users needs to be able to discuss each task, ask questions, etc. I could see the Activity Stream being its own page where we send people to discuss the overall challenge?

I'm not hung up on the details of how we implement it, but I'd like to
see the UX more strongly push a sense of "serendipity" and community,
to pull people into conversations with each other, and to allow us to
communicate with the entire cohort working on a challenge. I thought a
"wall" type feature would help with these, but happy to see other

Serendipity / Community - The list of avatars is great and let's me
see the faces of other people, but in order to feel like I'm part of a
community with them I would need a way to actually ask questions - or
see what others are talking about. I also currently have no way of
asking for general help from the challenge cohort (I can only ask
specific questions within each task).

Communication - We need a way to communicate with an entire cohort
working on a challenge. For example, to let them know about an online
seminar with someone from Mozilla that is relevant to the challenge.

I'm not sure where we want to anchor the community - at the "Webmaking
101" level across all challenges or within each challenge. If we move
it up to Webmaking 101, it needs to be easy to find / access from
within challenges.


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