[p2pu-dev] (feedback needed) new group type: Challenge

Arlton Lowry arltonlowry at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 17:30:16 UTC 2011

I didn't see all this threaded feedback below earlier. Sorry. I went through and added some comments.

> If we have one or three badges per challenge it might not be so bad with badges on the left. Otherwise, this could be a really busy page, right? Lots of people. Lots of mentors. Lots of badges. Lots of tasks.

Good point.

> On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 12:15 PM, zuzel.vp <zuzel.vp at gmail.com> wrote:
> Letting you know that the mockups keep changing:
> https://gomockingbird.com/mockingbird/#m5ase18/epp0iO
> On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 1:44 PM, Alison Jean Cole <alison at p2pu.org> wrote:
> >
> > 1) Add new radio button option at http://p2pu.org/en/groups/create/ to
> > allow creation of challenges.
> > * I need a one sentence description of what a challenge is like the
> > ones we are using for study group, course. Ideas welcome and maybe
> > John/Jamie/Arlton/... can give us a few initial options?
> >
> Leaving this for them :)

From my understanding only super admins will be able to create Challenges.

> > 2) Change signup functionality for challenge groups:
> >  * change name of the participate button to Enroll
> >  * for signup logic, people just click that button and get signed up
> > without needing to any signup answer questions
> >  * the signup page is not accessible since it will not be used
> If I'm in the challenge mode, does the wording change? Right now it looks like "Start Challenge" so would be "Challenge On" or progress or ____?

Hmmmmm…… how about "Leave Challenge" to replace "Start Challenge"?

> Can users leave a challenge? What happens to their progress? ( I figure it's stored in the db so stays. )

I suppose a user could leave a challenge, but they wouldn't be able to take any new challenges without completing the current one they are on, correct?

> > 3) Add self assessment functionality to challenge group tasks (do we
> > want to have this part for study groups and courses as well? +1 from
> > me):
> >  * participants can check off the tasks they consider they have
> > already completed and this will be first displayed only to them when
> > they see the task list
> >  * there was a discussion about check off vs. strike out, please give
> > you opinion (the mockup
> > https://gomockingbird.com/mockingbird/#m5ase18/epp0iO is using strike
> > out)
> >
> > Strikeouts are stronger and more prominent, perhaps checkmarks are cleaner
> > but not as powerful?
> I think less contrast and checkmark is understandable but haven't researched that a lot. X is negative feeling. So is red. I know we're not at color stage but I'm thinking of another similar project that used red and X.

It will be a checkbox, not an x - I think that's confusing people, so I'll change it.

> >  * self-assessment is not related to badges (this will be covered by
> > Jessica in another email)
> Self-assessment as in "I'm done with this"? I think that's where we are right now. I'll double check though. 

I think that's where we are at right now, as well.

> >
> > Like this. How would self assessment work? Mandatory to check off/slash out
> > or through comments?
> Right, figured it was check-off with being done. Slash out comments? Not sure about that one. 
> >  * display summary of how many tasks the user has marked as completed
> > when (s)he views the task list ()
> +1 I always see a status bar like on a quest in a game with this. ;)

+1 We can use a status bar. 

> >  * discuss options about displaying completion information to others
> > (can be future todo): 
> >  ** show the number of people who check off the task on the task list/
> > task page (five friends/peers/people completed this task) 
> >  ** show who completed the task
> There was talk about those finishing being able to sign up to mentor others but hopefully we'll have a way to change one's mind. Or even know which people are quicker to respond or are still active accounts.

Not sure how this should work yet.

> >
> Yes. If we get rid of a wall of activity, it'd be nice to publicize that I just finished a challenge's task to my wall(?) or that I just finished all the challenges and need some peer assessments on my "submitting for badge" task. When we get more integrated into social media it'd be nice to post to there in order to invite friends to join in and such.
> > Like this. Seeing how others have done could be good motivator.
> +1


> > Other proposed changes I am not starting to work on yet but I am
> > bringing to your attention for feedback (see
> > https://gomockingbird.com/mockingbird/#m5ase18/epp0iO and status of
> > current implementation on demo
> > http://alpha.p2pu.org:8091/en/groups/new-group/ -- still in progress)
> > because those are next and they could at some point be extended for
> > other kinds of groups.
> >
> > I would like to see these design simplifications carry over into study
> > groups & courses, too.
> >
> > 4) Disabling features and changing layout on challenge groups:
> > * Display complete task list on the home page (not on another page)
> > * No wall activity stream
> I'm still not sold on this for all courses but we'll see what we can come up with another way to show activity.

The Challenge page needs to be clean and informative. I think the Activity Wall feels bloated and jumbles up the page. We can alway include it later if we get a lot of pushback.

> > * No discussions outside tasks (now supported on the wall for study
> > groups and courses)
> I'd be sorry to see this go too for all courses. Wasn't this used a lot in the Mozilla Knight course?
> > * No RSS activity feed? -- Not clear if this will be removed since it
> > is not visible on the mockups
> > * Remove tasks list from the sidebar
> If we can still see all tasks then sure. Some courses have a lot like Javascript, I think.
> > * Remove external links + subscriptions
> External links is used a lot I think. Subscriptions... not sure. Maybe a survey of organizers?

I think we should include External links on the individual tasks pages. That way the user only gets the links that pertain to that individual task.

> > * People avatars more prominently displayed, on the main section of
> > the course page. larger avatars (removed from sidebar)
> All avatars? How will "past challenge takers" be shown?

Not sure yet. Maybe a link to a page with everyone that's taken the challenge? 

> > * Did I forgot something? What about
> > under-development/not-listed/ archived status? and the full description
> > page?
> Full description used a lot? We'd talked about having a longer description available on the course's landing page somehow.

John mentioned earlier that we may need longer descriptions. We could probably move it above the Tasks. I'm not sure yet.

> To be able to see if the course is active and when would be helpful. The sign up could be shown via the buttons like "Start Challenge." Right now it is a little more confusing for me because we have to update the signup status and the course status so maybe this will help simplify things.
> What about the course statistics box? It might not be that useful for random folks but it is a sign of activity. What about the group listing page that has similar information like participant number and such?  

Removed that. Challenges are ongoing. There should always be some kind of activity.

> What about "contact" button? For organizer or challenge maker or mentor or such?

Added a list of mentors that a user can contact for help

> What about tags? Chat?

What is the need for tags on the challenges pages? I need to take a closer look at the chat functionality.

> What about organizer/participant buttons at the top? Or are they still at the top?

"Start Challenge"

> -- 
> Jessica Ledbetter
> http://jessicaledbetter.com
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