[p2pu-dev] Affirming and confirming task completion.

Jessica Ledbetter jessica at jessicaledbetter.com
Mon Sep 5 16:42:51 UTC 2011

+1 as well. Something like this was mentioned in a recent assessment
discussion. Limited development resources though might push a status on a
task to a later milestone release. I'd like it for all these reasons plus we
could use it to customize the "top 3" task list shown on the study group's

The plans for assessment are in the works, actually, and lead by Erin and
Jamie. Once we're ready to get coding on the next phase, you'll probably see
an email on here with a development roadmap :)

Here's one of the in progress pad discussions about badging/assessments:

And we'll probably talk about them more at this week's community call on
Thursday if you want to join us:

On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 2:56 AM, Pippa Buchanan <Pippa.Buchanan at gmail.com>wrote:

> +1 for this. I think it will be very beneficial for organisers and so that
> participants can feel a sense of progress through a course.
> Related - the ability to flag tasks as compulsory (reqd for course
> completion), recommended or optional.
> P*
> On 4 September 2011 16:59, Brylie Oxley <brylie at tuxfamily.org> wrote:
>> It would be nice to be able to keep track of which participants have
>> completed each task. A sort of progress report to see where people have
>> gotten to. E.g. there can be a button next to 'reply' that says 'Task
>> Completed.' This can tie in with the assessment/badges system. What are some
>> of the plans for assessment?
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Jessica Ledbetter
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