[p2pu-dev] interesting project - oer glue

Philipp Schmidt philipp at p2pu.org
Mon Oct 31 12:45:19 UTC 2011

Super helpful explanation. Thank you! P

On 30 October 2011 16:17, Dan Diebolt <dandiebolt at gmail.com> wrote:

> >I asked about open source, and apparently a lot of the code is GPL v3.
> The "proxy" is not - and I didn't totally understand the role of the proxy,
> but hopefully someone more technical than me can check it out.
> A video recorder might be a helpful analogy to understand OER Glue
> platform. The Chrome extension that OER Glue uses is like a video recorder
> that can surf around the web with and identify page content such as a
> youtube video, a wiki entry, or narrative text and record them into a
> lesson. The lesson is stored on the oerglue web site as a JSON data
> structure and represents the video tape. The proxy is the playback machine
> that will sequence you through lessons and display the selected content
> from the constituent web pages you selected. I guess they call it a proxy
> because during playback behind the scenes they visit each web site you
> recorded with the Chrome extension and re-serve to your browser
> the selected content from the constituent web pages you selected.
> I believe that Chrome extension is the open source part and OER glue will
> export the data structure which represents the content and web pages you
> selected. However, the proxy which does the playback is not open source.
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