[p2pu-dev] interesting project - oer glue

Joel Duffin joel at oerglue.com
Wed Oct 26 17:40:28 UTC 2011

Hi Phil,

Thanks for initiating the conversation.

On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 12:32 PM, Philipp Schmidt <philipp at p2pu.org> wrote:

> Adding joel and justin from OER Glue to the thread (if you want - just hit
> reply to the list, and we'll authorize you as the messages come in) P
> On 25 October 2011 19:31, Philipp Schmidt <philipp at p2pu.org> wrote:
>> Went to an interesting presentation about OER Glue today. Dan had
>> mentioned them to me before - and I'd looked at their site a while back, but
>> there wan't much to see at that time. Not all of the features might be
>> production ready - but they showed screencasts of a lot of the mashup
>> options.
>> Yes, we are still refining features but are getting closer to being
production ready for general use.

> The overall vision focuses on enabling instructors to provide better
>> courses to students - within institutions.
We are trying to empower teachers and learners to leverage open content and
tools for learning. Our community website allows anyone to find, adapt, and
share resources. Additional features for institutions (such as integrations
with their systems) are key to our sustainability model.

But a lot of the themes are directly related to P2PU original vision of
>> creating a social layer for OER, and our plans for becoming a lab. Except
>> that an open lab would let us leverage the curiosity of our community to
>> extend to more tools and content. OER Glue is aiming to build the key
>> connectors themselves.
Our mantra is "integrate with everyone". We've demonstrated this with
various integrations but anticipate may more. We know that we won't be the
ones to do them. Our architecture and intent is to allow the community to
integrate and extend OER Glue by writing a small amount of HTML and
Javascript. We are not to that point, but would love to talk to anyone
interested in helping to explore this.

>> I asked about open source, and apparently a lot of the code is GPL v3. The
>> "proxy" is not - and I didn't totally understand the role of the proxy, but
>> hopefully someone more technical than me can check it out.
Our initial implementation of OER Glue involved a Google Chrome extension
for authoring. Additionally we have started implementing extensions for
Firefox and IE. However, we have realized that large organizations will not
adopt an extension based solution. We have implemented delivery of courses
and mashups via a proxy. We are in the process of building out the proxy so
that all authoring can be done via the proxy as well. Basically

>> *OER Glue*
>>    - Mainly focused at 'instructors' right now
>> We have had many people to talk about the potential for learners to create
mashups and are explore that possibility. There is nothing that prevents
that, but yes, we have not yet focused on it.

>>    - Pervasively mashing up the OER web
>>    - "It's impossible to keep up with all the cool tools - and why would
>>    you want to? If there is a great tool, use it."
>>    - There is a lot of good content out there
>>    - There are a lot of great tools out there
>>    - How do we create effective learning experiences that connect the
>>    content with the tools?
>>    - Discover - search and recommendation to find good content
>>    - Assemble - drag and drop mashup tools
>>    - Deploy - embed in your own platform (or use OER Glue's platform)
>>    - Track - track your activities across many different spaces [THIS IS
>>    UNIQUE - we can track what learners are doing on other platform, what are
>>    they doing, how long are they spending there, etc.]
>>    - We aim to be invisible
>>    - Building add-ons to LMS (Canvas, BlackBoard)
>>    - Connect back into your own gradebook
>>    - Also mentioned Red Rover (Peer 2 Peer Learning for the Enterprise) -
>>    http://redroverhq.com/product/
>>    - Building  a more scalable search and discovery platform by
>>    connecting into repositories
>>    - What happens when the content goes away / changes?
>>       - A: You always link to the existing content. It's always current,
>>       but what if it goes away? Strategy we have taken is to snapshot the content
>>       so authors can use a particular version. And we notify you of changes to the
>>       original version.
>> We will also dynamically check for the existence of a referenced resource
and only serve the cached version when it is not available.

>>    - Gives institutions the ability to pay attention to CC metadata to
>>    make sure there are no copyright issues (for materials that have the meta
>>    data embedded)
>> We will allow organizations to enforce a policy and to audit what licenses
are being used.

>>    - joel at oerglue.com
>> Two key strategies (I like the way they frame this)
>>    - Use Content Where it is
>>    - Integrate with Everyone
>> Technology
>>    - Browser extension - toolbar that tracks your activity across the web
>>    - Refining the tool to allow through a proxy (didn't quite understand
>>    how that works)
>> Right now we can deliver via our proxy, courses authored using our
extension. The proxy retrieves referenced resources in real time, applies
the authors mashups, and inserts our toolbar to provide navigation and other
services. We are working to extend our proxy to allow authoring through the
proxy. Basically, you will click on a bookmarklet to load any page via our
proxy at which point you can mash it up, collect resources out of it, and
insert it into a course outline.
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