[p2pu-dev] P2PU Primitives
John Britton
john at p2pu.org
Tue Oct 25 12:50:11 UTC 2011
I started a pad for collaborative editing: http://pad.p2pu.org/primitives
I'll put this stuff into the pad, wait for some other people to chime and
will work on a plan for moving forward.
contact info:
@johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton
On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 2:40 PM, Dan Diebolt <dandiebolt at gmail.com> wrote:
> This is very crude and has some conceptual mistakes but you can grab some
> more entities by looking at this list:
> https://gist.github.com/1291496#file_conceptual+p2_pu+api+get+methods
> I think the major entities not on your list are:
> 1. user profile, vcard
> 2. badge (skill, value, community,osqa)
> 3. stream
> 4. tag
> 5. social graph (digraph of followers / following relationship)
> 6. {Badges, Learning Plan, Interests, Future Courses} (narrative, url
> or list of tags)
> 7. {BackPack, Portfolio} (bag of Badges)
> 8. {ExternalResource, WorkProduct, Evidence} (bag of links / bag of
> evidence)
> 9. ToolBox (bag of resources links and narrative)
> 10. Message
> 11. Comment
> I actually created a mock API for many of the Getters on my list extracting
> content from specific P2PU pages. In one of my other posts I posted a JSON
> response. So given a specific profile page, you can snag a member's
> interests out of the page with small snippets of client side code:
> var member_interests = $("#sidebar div.vcard
> h3:contains(Interests)",page).next("ul.interests").find("li
> a").map(function(){
> return [{name: $.trim($(this).text()),
> url: fixurl($(this).attr("href"))}];
> }).get();
> It may seem kind of strange to approach it this way whn there is already a
> model within Lernana but it much faster to conceptualize, prototype and mock
> data for missing API methods. You can even do more obscure stuff like grab
> the staff (GetStaff API method) out of the "about" page:
> var staff;
> $.ajaxSetup({async: false});
> var url = "http://p2pu.org/en/pages/about/";
> $.get(url,function(page){
> staff = $("#member_relationships li",page).map(function(){
> return [[{profile: $("a",this).attr("href"),
> name: $.trim($("a",this).attr("title").split(", ")[0]),
> title: $.trim($("a",this).attr("title").split(",
> ").slice(1).join(", ")),
> image: $("a img",this).attr("src")
> }]];
> }).get();
> console.log(staff);
> });
> Which returns a structure similar to this:
> image: "/media/images/staffs/philipp.jpg"
> name: "Philipp Schmidt"
> profile: "http://new.p2pu.org/en/Philipp"
> title: "Director"
> In any event I think you should set up something more than email as a lot
> of conceptualization and prototyping has to play out to come up with a good
> API (and to define what the goals are in the first place - support
> integration with xxx, support course feature yyy, etc).
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