[p2pu-dev] Towards a P2PU API and Plugin Architecture

John Britton john at p2pu.org
Mon Oct 17 13:46:42 UTC 2011

Thanks for the explanation Dan. This is really quite cool. I'd like to keep
this conversation going.

I think a good first step is to come up with a couple concrete examples of
plugin type integrations that we'd like to support and use that for creating
a draft messaging specification.

If we can do that and then make a couple prototypes using the method you
demonstrated we can use what we learn to create a full featured P2PU API.

contact info:
@johndbritton - http://twitter.com/johndbritton

On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 3:29 PM, Dan Diebolt <dandiebolt at gmail.com> wrote:

> *Towards a P2PU API and Plugin Architecture*
> This post introduces the idea of defining and developing a P2PU API and
> Plugin Architecture. Since everyone is busy building out badges and streams
> to support curriculums, courses and platform features that don't exist or
> are under performing I created my own emulator to demonstrate these idea.
> Using a modified version of our beloved Lernanatron Chrome Extension:
> http://p2pu.org/en/groups/lernanatron/content/expando-roster-2/
> I created a special embed code that gets inserted in the to CKEditor that
> looks something like this:
> *{lernanatron2:P2PU_GetUserProfile handle=jessica format=jsonp
> callback=callback}*
> You can see the embed code here assuming you do not have the Lernanatron
> extension installed (in which case the API would automatically execute and
> render):
> http://p2pu.org/en/groups/lernanatron/content/p2pu-api-test/
> When the page above loads, the Lernanatron Chrome extension is fired up and
> the bootstrap logic within executes or loads additional javascript code to
> modify the the page. We are off to the races and can make the P2PU platform
> do our bidding.
> Since there is no P2PU API I simply created one by dynamically loading P2PU
> pages using jQuery's ajax methods and scraped the needed info. Querying a
> database would o course be a lot easier but it is remarkably simple to just
> scrape the data that is littered about human readable pages. More
> importantly, it is vastly faster and less trouble to just use client side
> methods to explore ideas and prototype.
> In any event, the above embed code basically load's Jessica's profile page,
> scrapes it and returns the data in a structured format (JSON). This page was
> chosen merely because Jessica has a fairly complete profile. You can see the
> response here:
> http://jsonviewer.stack.hu/#http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=q6TggP7D
> and compare it to the information carried in actual profile page (with a
> lot of filler):
> http://p2pu.org/en/jessica/
> There are some short branches in the response so you will want to look in
> the "activities" and "user" branches where the bulk of the profile info
> reside. Yes I am making this up as fast as I can type code so don't put much
> stock on the structure of the data.
> Here is a larger list of conceptual API methods limited to get methods
> since there really isn't anything to set:
> https://gist.github.com/1291496#file_conceptual+p2_pu+api+get+methods
> Big deal, what you you do with it? Well consider the question of embedding
> external content into the P2PU platform and integrating with external
> services. In a prior missive I demonstrated how you can use HTML5's
> postMessage feature to send data back and forth with an external page using
> this emulated mockup of a task on P2PU's page:
> https://www.quickbase.com/db/bgnbbn622?a=dbpage&pageID=4
> Here are the essential guts of the above example simplified if you want to
> get to the core of the code without the p2pu branding and theming:
> https://www.quickbase.com/db/bgnbbn622?a=dbpage&pageID=5
> http://jsfiddle.net/dandiebolt/BH76D/show/
> In a nutshell, the user name is passed from the (emulated) p2pu.org page
> to the external page and the answer to the math question is sent back to the
> p2pu.org page. Normally you can't do this because of the same origin
> policy. But you can do it because the code uses HTML5's postMessage
> capability. This is bidirectional transfer of information between the
> (emulated) p2pu.org page and jsbin /jsfiddle page which anyone could
> created (without messing with a server setup).
> In this case we are passing a string between the two pages - either a name
> or an answer to a question. But the postMessage feature we are using is not
> limited to passing strings - it can pass an entire objecct such as the
> P2PU_GetUserProfile response listed above and repeated here for emphasis:
> http://jsonviewer.stack.hu/#http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=q6TggP7D
> What else could you do with this scheme beyond sending strings and API
> response back and forth? Well if you developed some type of official but
> lightweight protocol defining the format of the messages you could send
> requests and response to the external tool that communicated things such as:
>   the user's identity and profile info
>   the school, course in context
>   the state of the task in contenxt
>   the course roster
>   the position a user is in completing tasks and their progress
> and either perform useful services within the external tool such as:
>   administer an external survey
>   generate a task completion report
>   hook into external services preserving the user's identity
>   link to external or local databases preserving ownership
> and potentially send back to p2pu.org results such as:
>   feedback
>   evalutaions
>   scores
>   assessments
> So a simple quiz such as this one embedded into p2pu:
> http://p2pu.org/en/groups/lernanatron/content/simple-quiz/
> could actually send the user identity and level to the external tool and
> record the results back into the p2pu databases. Also worth noting is that
> although these two examples above embedded content into the p2pu platform,
> the same scheme will work equally well between two tabs or windows. So if
> you are not an "embedder" you can be a "tabber" or a "windower" and work
> with the external tool or service in its own page and still preserve the
> bidirectional communications between p2pu.org and the external end point.
> Well that's if - you either grok the idea or you don't.
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