[p2pu-dev] Notes from yesterday's community call - 13 October 2011

Rebecca Kahn bekka at p2pu.org
Fri Oct 14 07:53:38 UTC 2011

Thanks to everyone who joined the meeting yesterday - there were some great
discussions and ideas flying around.
As always, these notes, previous notes and the chat transcript can be found
here: http://pad.p2pu.org/community

Happy weekends, all.



   - Stand-ups for projects

   - Assessment & Badges & Learning Analytics [Chloe]

   - User Support [Alison / John]

   - Webcraft [John]

   - Tech [Zuzel]

   - School of Ed [Philipp]

   - Mozilla Festival sync up

   - P2PU Workshop planning

   - UX Badges discussion


   - Bekka

   - Philipp

   - Chloe

   - Arlton

   - Carla

   - John

   - (On holiday) Ali --does that mean she's here?

   - Michelle

*Assessment & Badges & Learning Analytics [Chloe]*

   - A great week for assessment and badges - 1 phase rolled out on P2PU.org
   - self assessed badges and "beta tester hero!" badges

   - Skill + Peer badges being tested on alpha

   - Chloe, Arlton & Jessica working on UX and experience for badges-

   - Assessment white paper being revised

   - http://alpha.p2pu.org/en/badges/ has a demo with 18 badges, and 9 of
   them are on p2pu.org/badges/

*Webcraft [ John]*

   - Mentor & challanges programmes pushed out quietly this week

   - http://p2pu.org/webcraft - Webmaking 101 (soft/preview) launch

   - Holding off on announcements until more testing done

*Tech [Zuzel]*

   - Zuzel pulled an all-nighter! She is a star.

   - Send her some virtual love, people!

   - release 1.5 with challenges + badges functionality part of which will
   be tested on alpha.p2pu.org in the following days (including skil badges
   and peer community badges) before adding some of the webmaking 101 badges.

*School of Ed [Philipp]*

   - Our Latin American posse are meeting with key people we need to support
   (Chile - Minstry of Ed, Mexico - Inter American Development Bank)

   - Philipp meeting with Karen Fasimpaur, National Writing Project,
Ahrashin San Fran later this year

*Mozilla Festival sync up*

   - http://pad.p2pu.org/mozilla-festival-london (loads of P2PU people are
   going to be there)

   - Good(?) news -> I will also be there !!!!! d(^_^)b nice emoticon!

   - Ideas for possible sessions (to be added to the pad) & what might they
   need to happen:

   - Chloe: a Learning lab Challenge (Or Challenge creation Challenge):

   - keep it broad for the challenge not SoW specific

   - -- such a good idea ^^

   - Participants use a card game to share ideas, goals, objectives for new

   - Need: Print posters, index cards

   - To do: blog the rules/structure

   - John: Science Fair

   - P2PU in general, mention schools (focus on SoW in other places)

   - SoW

   - SoSI

   - School of Math (if Maria is there)

   - School of Open

   - Goal: Get the word out about P2PU, get users signing up right at the

   - Needs: Screen/big monitor

   - Swag

   - Print outs

   - Philipp: we want to have a big push around SoW at this event - it's the
   right audience

   - We want more webcraft challenges

   - use, critique and create new ones - some UX support perhaps?

   - Badges: what are the ones most useful for web developers? What do we
   want to show? [Happy to be involved –Carla]

   - Chloe: if we have a challenge creation challenge - should we have
   people create them on the P2PU platform?

   - Yes

   - Chloe's Challenges session not tied to SoW, include media people, look
   at pedagogy, bootstrap new objectives

   - SoW session: an application of the ideas that are surfaced in Chloe's
   session in the SoW context.

   - Difference between Challenge and Learning Lab

   - Challenge: Activity to reach a goal

   - Learning Lab: Knowledge Gain

   - Learning Lab: Webmaking 101 [John]

   - See http://pad.p2pu.org/mozilla-festival-london for more details

   - FYI -- session on socializing learning videos (hosted by Anne Jonas)

   - What is the next step?

   - Come up with working titles for the sessions

   - Use the Mozilla Pad as working space, then notify Michelle and Gunner
   when content is ready to be pulled into their system

   - john to email community with link to festival pad and publicly ask for
   additonal ideas / volunteers to lead sessions

*P2PU Workshop Planning*

   - There is an etherpad (surprise!)

   - http://pad.p2pu.org/workshop

   - At the moment, this is not complete, but objective is that each session
   has an owner, and each has tangible outcomes.

   - Have a look at it! Add your ideas!

   - Will share with the community as well, so those not present will be
   able to shape the agenda

   - Organise a special community call for everyone to weigh in on these

   - Call to action: Add concrete sessions you would like to see, own
   sessions if you're going to be there.

   - Next step: Email to community list, and online call for agenda planning

*UX Badges discussion*

   - Are there any new features that might be coming out in the next few
   days which have an implication for the badges?

   - Yes:http://alpha.p2pu.org/en/badges/

   - Features are in alpha, so would be useful if people went and tried them

   - Focus was on functionality, so if people could make suggestions for
   (small, easy) visual changes

   - Not sure yet how to go about this back&forth process - will figure out
   how to send the updates.
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