[p2pu-dev] [p2pu-schools] SoSI News

Nadeem Shabir ns at talis.com
Thu Oct 13 14:26:42 UTC 2011

BTW the full body of the email is here:


I'm disappointed that you feel that way.

Nothing I've read so far suggests that anyone is ignoring any feedback
(legitimate or otherwise). The question of what constitutes content that the
new site should allow users to embed is an interesting one. I think Zuzel
articulated a valid point around what should constitute embeddable content,
but it is a highly subjective point that often falls to personal preference
when it comes to user experience. Some users like having google
docs/etherpad embedded in an iframe, other's don't - we need to consider
what we think will work best for all our users, and allows us to provide a
consistent experience, and thats where I believe this discussion began.
Unfortunately the tone of the discussion changed when you became more
argumentative, or dare I say petulant.

In general though, with all things,   we need to find a balance, and
sometimes that's going to be a simple process, at other times its going to
be a lengthy process in order to find a common ground, and if we cant find a
common ground we need to accept that sometimes a decision needs to be made
that not everyone is going to agree with but allows us to move forward.

The key for me is ensuring that the things we decide to do, or not do to, do
not paint us into a corner we can't easily get out of - which is
particularly important when considering out technical platform.  So to my
mind implementing support for embedding *some* types of content right
now, *does
not in any way* preclude us adding support for other types of content or
tools later; particularly when we consider that we are only talking about
getting to a first release.


On 13 October 2011 15:24, Nadeem Shabir <ns at talis.com> wrote:

> Kristen,
> Thats part of very old email I sent around the 1 April earlier this year.
> I'm not sure why you're resending it now?
> cheers
> nadeem
> On 12 October 2011 00:07, Kristen Eisenberg <kristen.eisenberg at yahoo.com>wrote:
>> Dan,
>> I'm disappointed that you feel that way.
>> Nothing I've read so far suggests that anyone is ignoring any feedback
>> (legitimate or otherwise). The question of what constitutes content that
>> the
>> new site should allow users to embed is an interesting one. I think Zuzel
>> articulated a valid point around what should constitute embeddable
>> content,
>> but it is a highly subjective point that often falls to personal
>> preference
>> when it comes to user experience. Some users like having google
>> docs/etherpad embedded in an iframe, other's don't - we need to consider
>> what we think will work best for all our users, and allows us to provide a
>> consistent experience, and thats where I believe this discussion began.
>> Unfortunately the tone of the discussion changed when you became more
>> argumentative, or dare I say petulant.
>> In general though, with all things, we need to find a balance, and
>> sometimes that's going to be a simple process, at other times its going to
>> be a lengthy process in order to find a common ground, and if we cant find
>> a
>> common ground we need to accept that sometimes a decision needs to be made
>> that not everyone is going to agree with but allows us to move forward.
>> Kristen Eisenberg
>> Billige Flüge
>> Marketing GmbH
>> Emanuelstr. 3,
>> 10317 Berlin
>> Deutschland
>> Telefon: +49 (33)
>> 5310967
>> Email:
>> utebachmeier at
>> gmail.com
>> Site:
>> http://flug.airego.de - Billige Flüge vergleichen
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