[p2pu-dev] Google's Dart

Dan Diebolt dandiebolt at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 19:16:41 UTC 2011

There are two potential solutions to come up with an embed solution that are
both simple and will be far reaching in the capabilities they bring to the
platform (in addition to shutting me up I suppose). Actually I have a long
list of complaints so I will probably just move to the next one after a

*Scenario #1 *
*Configure CKEditor to use the iframe plugin*

The CKEditor that P2PU uses to compose tasks is developed by
http://ckeditor.com/ has an iframe capability.You can demo it here:


It iframe icon is the last icon in the second row of buttons and looks like
a globe.

I believe these are relevant ticket related items as someone in the CKEditor
community worked on the issue:


There is a false sense of concern somewhere in your dev team that iframes
are in themselves a security risk.

*Scenario #2*
*Fix the undocumented embed.ly implementation of jsFiddle*

P2PU has apparently implemented an embed code feature in conjunction with
embed.ly. This gives users the general ability to embed perhaps hundreds of
providers sanitized by embedly:


Although jsFiddle is not on the provider list, I tested it and it does in
fact embed inhte P2PU platoform. I have no idea why it works as someone
unknown has done work on either P2PU or embedly's back end. However, the
regular expressions embed.ly uses are a little more complicated for jsFiddle
and it does not embed correctly and there is no control over the height of
the iframe (it is always 300px). In a nutshell the P2PU implementation of
embed.ly for jsFiddle always appends "embeded/" to the jsFiddle URL so you
get no control over ordering of panels.

These embed codes inserted into the CKEditor:


result in these iframes being generated:

<iframe src="http://jsfiddle.net/dandiebolt/ZTgDV/embedded/">
<iframe src="http://jsfiddle.net/dandiebolt/ZTgDV/show/embedded/">
<iframe src="

because whatever is happening on the back end (p2pu or embed.ly) is simply
appending "embedded/" to the end of the url. The first and second ones work
but the third is totally wrong. All versions have no control over the height
of the resulting iframe.
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