[p2pu-dev] Notes from Community Call - 6 October 2011

Rebecca Kahn bekka at p2pu.org
Thu Oct 6 20:16:16 UTC 2011

Hi everyone

Here are the notes of this week's meeting - it was a really good one - fun
and useful, and we even had some Special Guest Stars.
All the notes, plus those from previous weeks, and the chat transcripts, can
be found on the etherpad: http://pad.p2pu.org/community

*6 October 2011*


   - Bring back rounds (Alison)

   - Showcase items from the P2PU community (Alison)

   - Drumbeat activities / planning- (Chloe/John)


   - Alison

   - Bekka

   - Carla

   - Philipp (dirty olive)

   - Chloe

   - John

   - Jessica


*Courses of the Week* [Ali]

   - http://p2pu.org/en/groups/independent-mathematics-study/

   - http://p2pu.org/en/groups/humanitarian-engineering/

   - http://p2pu.org/en/groups/basic-anatomy/

   - *http://p2pu.org/en/groups/heritage-language-studies/*<http://p2pu.org/en/groups/heritage-language-studies/>

   - http://p2pu.org/es/groups/ecodiseno-y-desarrollo-local-sostenible/

*Stand ups*

Assessment & Badges & Learning Analytics  [Chloe

   - Working on completing text for challenges + badges

   - Jessica working on badge submissions page

   - Assesment paper drafting meeting (gurus) pushed to next week

User Support [Alison / John]

   - Helpdesk will become real once the UX changes are made

   - need help content frontloaded about badges, challenges

   - add content on webcraft specifics

   - What is a challenge

   - How do I get a badge


   - Daily standups are being done (IRC -> # p2pu-dev at 10am US Eastern)

   - 7 challenges are live (not yet ready for sign up)

   - Setting up process for requesting/volunteering mentors

   - Website page will be updated so that notifications for challenges and
   their follow-on challenegs are made clear

   - Take a look at the most up to date

   - http://alpha.p2pu.org/en/groups/webmaking-101-introduce-yourself/

   - Would it be possible to add a one-liner that says "when you finish
   this, your website wll be live" so that it is clear that this is for
   absolute beginners


   - Tech meeting information from yesterday: http://pad.p2pu.org/tech

   - Next release is Oct 11 and will have Arlton's changes and more badging

School of Ed

   - We've got team meetings in the US lined up for the end of October.

   - Talking to 2 groups in Dubai and Chile to

   - Prepare small proposals and test with pilots in their regions

   - Examine sustainability in those regions by looking at certification

*Bringing back a "round" of courses **[Ali]*

   - (Context): rounds were kind of like semesters - they were used at P2PU
   to help get people into the site, getting them help and doing marketing for
   the courses in these rounds.

   - At the last board meeting, this was discussed, and some of the board
   members feel strongly that we should keep using them - or find a way to
   preserve the benefits of these rounds (spikes in traffic, good promotion)

   - Concerns:

   - The amount of work that goes into orientation for rounds is high.

   - At the time were there any people working full time at p2pu?

   - Yes - Ali & Bekka

   - now that we have more staff is it worth making it a dedicated thing

   - Concern: some people who didn't want to be part of the round felt like
   they were being denied a service.

   - Good things about round (which we want to keep)

   - We had fewer problems driving traffic to "small" courses

   - We got big spikes in traffic (which lifted us up to a new plateau)

   - Now that we have a stronger idea of "roles" in courses, could that help
   organizers differentiate between those who put in the time to plan a
   syllabus and those who volunteer to help facilitate meetings?

   - example: Brooklyn Brainery (they fill _all_ courses)

   - idea: (opt-in! not mandatory) -> monthly / bi-monthly batches of
   courses. artificial deadlines for people that want to run courses +1 CV+1PS

   - If we can encourage people to get their courses ready for an artificial
   deadline, then it can be a useful tool for getting promotion and sign-ups

   - Curation* *(is a problem) at P2PU.

   - perhaps batches / semesters provide an artificial deadline to meet a
   certain quality, being part of the batch has benefits

   - we can use batches as a way to _curate_, only let the best stuff
   through - will also lead to people submitting more quality stuff (if
   their courses get voted up)

   - not everyone makes the cut

   - how do we (who) define quality?

   - good question

   - Philipp: it is easier to filter from the positive than the negative
   perspective - pick the best, rather than booting out the worst.

   - pick the cream of the crop, only the best will be featured

   - Who does this?

   - How - is it possible that there could be a curator of batches/cycles?

   - Ali - certian metrics are actually a very good indicator -

   - More than one co-organiser

   - Having three or more tasks

   - A simple rubric of what is required might make it easier.

   - idea: could we have a course that guides people to make courses? so PD
   becomes a course? i.e. the final goal of that course has people making their

   - we've had this for a long time - not succesful so far - few people want
   to take a course first, to then do their own (it's a huge time commitment)-
   if it is something that is short and fast?

   - If we have rounds P2PU needs to:

   - 1) Send a call for organizers + courses

   - 2) Have a course creation deadline

   - 3 Curate a set of courses for the announcement

   - Define a set of "guidelines" that we use for curation - so everyone

   - But publish a course catalogue that includes all new courses

   - 3) Have direct steps through the creation process

   - Find co-organizers

   - Develop learning outcomes THROUGH tasks

   - Set dates for course to run + expectations of organizers and

   - 4) Have a standard promotion process and clear outline of this process
   on the site

   - This can be integrated into the course creation process

   - Q: are rounds standard and folks can opt out OR is rounds a bonus we
   offer and folks opt in?

   - PS: optional opt-in

   - About starting with highly curated content ->

   - *Next step* -> Ali makes it happen (with our help)

   - No, we should help! (of course!) - i want to help (light blue is chloe)

   - Set up as a proper p2pu project (module owner: Ali)

   - make a project block on http://pad.p2pu.org/the-list (I can help)

   - Include timeline planning and process clarifications in here too.

   - Chloe: helps wth rubric + infographics

   - Process - user submits their course to P2PU promotions

*Surface stuff from the community. *

There is a lot of good stuff happening in courses - but nobody knows about
it. How can we share more of what's happening on the site, within the

Ways to pull content + conversations from courses

   - 1) Define standard places to showcase P2PU people, courses, content

   - A showcase page

   - The blog

   - Tweets that point to cool things

   - 2) Prompt organizers and participants to share back

   - manual browsing + curation by staff

   - automated message to organizers/participants

   - Alan: Could challenges (prompts) be incorporated into the course
   creation process? -

   - like a checklist for orgaisers which could reveal information that we
   could use for promotion and info harvesting.

   - There is a ticket for this:

   - Have badges for course organisation been discussed - as a way of new
   organisers finding people who have organised similar courses and seeing an
   example of what they can/need to do.

   - SoSI did this in their pilot

   - That's an excellent idea - we've had the idea of more strongly
   promoting people who offer great courses (badges is one way of doing that) -
   it's just been pushed down by other priorities. It requires some dev work,
   but also people work.

   - people work in this context would mean the curation of the process and
   badges themselves

   - Chloe is working on badges and assessment and (current workload
   allowing) is keen to take the lead on this.

*Mozilla Festival - What is P2PU doing ? (Chloe/John)*

   - (Lots of) People at the festival:

   - Chloe, John, Jane, Phillip Smith (works for Mozilla, ran Mozilla
   Journalism course on P2PU), Niels?

   - Programming Options (Gunner saves the day - point person)

   - Tell Gunner and Michelle how we want to fit in

   - Science Fair

   - cocktail tables, with demos

   - Challenges (come up with some participatory thing for people to do)

   - 3 hour slots / Saturday and Sunday (we can have as many as we want)

   - Write new challenges, complete existing challenges

   - minimal expectation / activity driven

   - Learning Labs (more traditional maker-oriented format for people to
   learn something new)

   - 1.15hrs - learn something new

   - Chloe interested in running someting like this -

   - Workshop "what makes a good challenge" and get more people started in
   designing challenges, including for

   - School of Webcraft -

   - Use chloe's poster (http://chloeatplay.tumblr.com)

   - Plan future of Mozilla Journalism course on P2PU (maybe look at big blue
   button integration)

   - And news -> Jane is also there, for CC, and interested in doing
   something on School of Open

   - Badges team are working on how to be involved in festival, possible to
   roll badges into any P2PU session that gets done, also possible to work with
   Hackasaurus on this. :)

   - Next steps:

   - John / Jane / Chloe sync-up re festival

   - Let's report back next week on this

   - Michelle and Gunner are our contacts
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