[p2pu-dev] Build failed in Hudson: lernanta #255

Lernanta Hudson hudson at coin.5cat.com
Tue Nov 22 23:12:55 UTC 2011

See <http://coin.5cat.com:8080/job/lernanta/255/changes>


[Zuzel Vera] Removing link to uservoice.

[...truncated 338 lines...]
    Creating <http://coin.5cat.com:8080/job/lernanta/ws/.env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/python-xrd.egg-link> (link to .)
    python-xrd 0.1 is already the active version in easy-install.pth
    Installed <http://coin.5cat.com:8080/job/lernanta/ws/.env/src/xrd>
Successfully installed commonware django-ckeditor django-debug-toolbar django-nose django-obi django-openid-auth django-push django-recaptcha embedly-python python-xrd test-utils unicodecsv wellknown xrd
Cleaning up...
[workspace] $ /bin/bash /tmp/hudson8126763583770086441.sh
**> creating settings_local.py
[workspace] $ /bin/bash /tmp/hudson1285728604267694802.sh
Removing .pyc files...
[workspace] $ /bin/bash /tmp/hudson1131905557896137119.sh
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Creating tables ...
Installing custom SQL ...
Installing indexes ...
No fixtures found.

 > django.contrib.sites
 > django.contrib.auth
 > django.contrib.contenttypes
 > django.contrib.sessions
 > django.contrib.messages
 > django.contrib.admin
 > django.contrib.redirects
 > south
 > wellknown
 > messages
 > taggit
 > django_push.subscriber
 > djcelery
 > django_openid_auth
 > voting
 > debug_toolbar
 > django.contrib.admindocs

Not synced (use migrations):
 - lernanta.apps.pagination
 - lernanta.apps.users
 - lernanta.apps.search
 - lernanta.apps.chat
 - lernanta.apps.l10n
 - lernanta.apps.dashboard
 - lernanta.apps.relationships
 - lernanta.apps.activity
 - lernanta.apps.statuses
 - lernanta.apps.preferences
 - lernanta.apps.drumbeatmail
 - lernanta.apps.links
 - lernanta.apps.richtext
 - lernanta.apps.replies
 - lernanta.apps.signups
 - lernanta.apps.content
 - lernanta.apps.schools
 - lernanta.apps.news
 - lernanta.apps.pages
 - lernanta.apps.projects
 - lernanta.apps.badges
 - lernanta.apps.drumbeat
 - lernanta.apps.tags
 - lernanta.apps.tracker
(use ./manage.py migrate to migrate these)
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for users:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for users.
No fixtures found.
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for search:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for search.
No fixtures found.
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for chat:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for chat.
No fixtures found.
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for l10n:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for l10n.
No fixtures found.
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for dashboard:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for dashboard.
No fixtures found.
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for relationships:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for relationships.
No fixtures found.
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for activity:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for activity.
No fixtures found.
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for statuses:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for statuses.
No fixtures found.
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for preferences:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for preferences.
No fixtures found.
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for drumbeatmail:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for drumbeatmail.
No fixtures found.
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for links:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for links.
No fixtures found.
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for richtext:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for richtext.
No fixtures found.
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for replies:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for replies.
No fixtures found.
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for signups:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for signups.
No fixtures found.
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for content:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for content.
No fixtures found.
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for schools:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for schools.
Installed 4 object(s) from 1 fixture(s)
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for news:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for news.
No fixtures found.
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for pages:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for pages.
Installed 15 object(s) from 1 fixture(s)
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for projects:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for projects.
No fixtures found.
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for drumbeat:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for drumbeat.
No fixtures found.
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for tags:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for tags.
No fixtures found.
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Running migrations for tracker:
- Nothing to migrate.
 - Loading initial data for tracker.
No fixtures found.
Got an error creating the test database: (1007, "Can't create database 'test_lernanta'; database exists")
FAIL: Test that post requests are treated properly.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<http://coin.5cat.com:8080/job/lernanta/ws/lernanta/../lernanta/apps/l10n/tests.py",> line 80, in test_login_post_redirect
  File "<http://coin.5cat.com:8080/job/lernanta/ws/.env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/test/testcases.py",> line 405, in assertRedirects
    (url, expected_url))
AssertionError: Response redirected to 'http://testserver/en//de-DE/dashboard/', expected 'http://testserver/dashboard/'
-------------------- >> begin captured stdout << ---------------------
example.com.users:1|c ('stats.p2pu.org', 8125)

--------------------- >> end captured stdout << ----------------------
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
users.backends: DEBUG: Attempting to authenticate drupal user testuser
users.backends: DEBUG: Drupal user does not exist: testuser
users.backends: DEBUG: Attempting to authenticate user testuser
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

FAIL: Test that authenticated users are redirected in specific views.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<http://coin.5cat.com:8080/job/lernanta/ws/lernanta/../lernanta/apps/users/tests.py",> line 47, in test_authenticated_redirects
  File "<http://coin.5cat.com:8080/job/lernanta/ws/.env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/test/testcases.py",> line 396, in assertRedirects
    (path, redirect_response.status_code, target_status_code))
AssertionError: Couldn't retrieve redirection page '/en/dashboard/': response code was 200 (expected 301)
-------------------- >> begin captured stdout << ---------------------
example.com.users:1|c ('stats.p2pu.org', 8125)
Vary: Accept-Language, Cookie
x-frame-options: DENY
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Location: http://testserver/en/dashboard/
Content-Language: en

--------------------- >> end captured stdout << ----------------------
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
users.backends: DEBUG: Attempting to authenticate drupal user testuser
users.backends: DEBUG: Drupal user does not exist: testuser
users.backends: DEBUG: Attempting to authenticate user testuser
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

FAIL: Test logging in.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<http://coin.5cat.com:8080/job/lernanta/ws/lernanta/../lernanta/apps/users/tests.py",> line 69, in test_login_post
  File "<http://coin.5cat.com:8080/job/lernanta/ws/.env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/test/testcases.py",> line 396, in assertRedirects
    (path, redirect_response.status_code, target_status_code))
AssertionError: Couldn't retrieve redirection page '/en/dashboard/': response code was 200 (expected 301)
-------------------- >> begin captured stdout << ---------------------
example.com.users:1|c ('stats.p2pu.org', 8125)

--------------------- >> end captured stdout << ----------------------
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
users.backends: DEBUG: Attempting to authenticate drupal user testuser
users.backends: DEBUG: Drupal user does not exist: testuser
users.backends: DEBUG: Attempting to authenticate user testuser
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

Ran 42 tests in 8.465s

FAILED (failures=3)
nosetests --verbosity 1 --with-xunit
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
Destroying old test database 'default'...
Skipping creation of NoticeTypes as notification app not found
Recording test results

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