[p2pu-dev] Reminder: P2PU community call this THURSDAY

Rebecca Kahn bekka at p2pu.org
Wed Nov 16 20:03:12 UTC 2011

*Please add any items to the agenda on the pad below before the meeting:

P2PU Community Call Pad*
Etherpad for agendas and notes: http://pad.p2pu.org/community


   - *8:00 San Francisco* [anchor time, other times may shift with daylight

   - 11:00 New York

   - 12:00 Sao Paulo

   - 16:00 London

   - 17:00 Berlin / Cape Town

   - 01:00 Sydney (+1 Day) (Winter Time - daylight savings)

   - (Shared google calendar should always have the correct time)

*Conference Call:*

   - US Toll Free:  +1 877 395 2347 **Only use toll-free number if you
   really need to**

   - US Local / International +1 415 763 5901

   - [Telco provided by http://twilio.com via John Britton - Thank you!!!]

Old/missing notes here:  http:
/pad.p2pu.org/community-old <http://pad.p2pu.org/community-old>


   - Stand-ups for projects

   - Assessment & Badges & Learning Analytics [Chloe]

   - User Support [Alison / John]

   - Webcraft [John]

   - Tech [Zuzel]

   - School of Ed [Philipp]

   - on hold: Metrics Overall [John]
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