[p2pu-dev] Announcement: Lernanta continuous integration and deployment

zuzel.vp zuzel.vp at gmail.com
Fri May 27 14:47:06 UTC 2011

Fantastic! Will you we able to maintain it on that server or will you
prefer to set it up on dev.p2pu.org? -- On dev it could also be
integrated to anonymized versions of the drupal site and

(it seams that I have an account on the CI web interface - not sure if
i received an email with to login for the first time password)

Nice job with the setup. -- Any docs you could include in the wiki
will be very useful for tickets like --
I will like to replicate your celery setup on production.


On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 3:52 AM, James Tatum <jtatum at gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> The COntinuous INtegration server is pretty much done. Here's a short
> overview:
> 1. Automatic database migrations and tests
> If these fail, this email list should get a message. Visiting the web page
> [0] and browsing to Lernanta will show a test history across recent "builds"
> displayed in a nice graph (right above Chuck Norris). Other nice graphs
> available show the 'build' and test time in a fancy trend graph. The only
> thing I still want to do here is add code coverage reporting.
> 2. Continuous deployment
> If everything in step 1 passes, a production database is migrated, updated
> code is deployed and Apache is restarted. In a nutshell, after a commit to
> p2pu/lernanta, within 10 minutes the changes should appear on the site[1]. I
> did my best to use an environment that's very close, if not identical, to
> production. It should have working celery, superfeedr, email, captcha, and
> debug set to False. I did add a small tweak to include a robots.txt which
> should block The Google from noticing this little test site and any spurious
> data testers add. I think it goes without saying that while it should just
> work, the data on this site is subject to destruction at any time.
> 3. Todo
> I have a short list:
> * Update Hudson documentation[2] with steps for continuous deployment and
> some small tweaks to the production deployment doc
> * Complain about the new slimmer admin interface (see my next email ;) )
> * Code coverage reporting in Hudson
> * Switch from polling Git every five minutes to pushes, which should make
> updates much faster
> [0] http://coin.5cat.com:8080
> [1] http://coin.5cat.com
> [2] https://github.com/p2pu/lernanta/wiki/Configuring-lernanta-on-hudson
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